Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
Thi~ inventio~ relate3 to palle~i~ocl
.i con~aiIIer~ ~ aIld par~ ula~ly to what are know~ ~
S i~teg:rated case and pa~le~ ~tructures. It i8 ~lso
c:o}laerned with pallet~ f or attachment to cases or
c:ontainers .
?he tr~nsportation o good~ container~ or
ca;es made for example ~rom corrugated ~ibreboard
~aterial makes it desirabl~ for the indi~ridual
~; containers o~ l:aS~1~8 to have their own ~ r~tegrated
pallets, 80 that ~he unit~ can readily be lift:ed by a
~ork lift truck for example. With an iDteg:Catet case
;1 ?nd pallet con~truction, the pall~t re~ail2~ wil:h the
,l 15 c~n~ainer or aa~e during tran~por~a~ion, there~y
avoiding the need ~or a sepa~cate, conventional pallet.
GB-A- 7 3 6 6 9 ~ describe s a supportin~ pall~t
de6i~ned to ke removably agsocia~ecl with a cardboard
o~ box. The pallet i8 attaahed to ~he ~t~m a::e of the
bo~c by ha~ing ~lap~ in6e~tab1e through t~e op~n }~ott~m
-~ o:E the ~ox so a~ to lie within the box ~ruc~ure. ~he
pall~t i a ri~id compc~ne~t ~ad~ fr~m two ~heetR o~
cor~ugated ca:Fdboard with spacer me2aber~ there~el;wee~,
thus preventi~g any folding of the basic pallet
~` 2~ ~3tructure.
~1 GB-A-151~730 describs~ a rig' d pallet which
-j ag i~ at:tached ~o the bo 1:~m o~ a aarto~ by haYing a
.~ ~lap whi ;:~ is in~;ertabl~ u,nder ~Elaps c~i~ th~ ~arton
~j itseli~, thereby to hold the pall el~ plac~.
GB-~-1601365 cl~;cribe~ al pallet ~or
attachment to a c:orltainer, wherein the paLllet c~ pri~es
c~ a ~ir3t rigit sheet co-extens~a~e with th~ ba~;e o the
aoIl~ainer and a ~;econd sheet whih i~; . oldabl~ and is
affix~d to ~he fir~t ~;heet, th~ folding action crea~inq
- ~ 35 ~laps by which the palle~ caTl be r~hlovably atta~hed to
- 1
. ~ _ _.. . , ... . _ .
.; --2--
;' the co~tain~r.
~-A-2121003 agaill d~4~ihe~; a aombi~d
ca3~ton ant upporting palle~t ~rher~ th~ pallet ha~ ~
ba~e of the same size a:rld ;l~orm a~i the erec:ted s::a~ton
. 5aIld has insertion ~lap~ at the edge~ wh:Lch tuck ~ Ia~o
- th~3 base o~ the cartor~.
GB-A-21~8582 des~rib~as ~ pall~t fo:~: an air
freight contai:~er which is a o~o-piec~ base with
opposecl side ~la3)s whi~h extend up into the c~ontair~er
}Swhere they are ~olded d~m ~nd he~d in place.
GB-A-215U533 describ~s a oldable con~ai~er
but agairl it is adapt~d to be ~ec~lred to a rigid palle~
~- ba~;e.
;. It is one object of the presa~t iD;I~e~tion to
15~rovide an i~t~grated aa6e a~d p~l:Let structure wbic:h
:, c:an ~e readily assem}~led and whicll i5 strong aIld
~:' It is a furth2r objeat of the in~ention to
pro~ide an in~egra~ed ca~e and pa Llet strllcture w~ere
20the pro~ision of ~he pallet i~rolv~s no ad~itiona~
- stit:chiIlg or glueing to the co~tainer or case.,
., It i~ yet a further object o~ the invention
~, to des~ h~e s~n~ct~re ~uc:h that: tho c:ontai~er or ca~
- i, can be deli~ered to aIl as~iembly po-nt i~ a flat ~or~
-, 25toge~her with the pallet.
. It is yet a furth~ar object t~ p~cvide a
h-l pallf3t stru~ture which carl more ree~dily be as:~e~led to
?~ a ca~e or contai~er than with many of ths Icnown
;tructures, parti~ularly f or large ~ize pallets .
30In a~aordancl3 with o~e a~peat o~ the pref;e~t
~ invention ~here is pro~ided a palletised colltairlor
.s.l compris,irlg a c:ontainex or ca3e, and a pallet structure
~Eor atta~:hment to the cont:aine3: or oa~e, wh~rein the
. par~ o~ the palle~ structure which i6 co-exl~:n~ive ~i~h
~, 35the co~t~iner or case i~ foldable ~o facilitate ~he
~s; .
" . '.
. ~ ~
1 ~
C ~
attacbment of the~ pallet to the con~ ner or ca;e.
In a. pref errzd eD~od~ ~t o~ the l~ ntion
the pa}let structure i~ f oldabl~ about a ~ n~re lill9 .
Pre:ee:cably ~ the pallet str~ct~re irlcludoa~ f 12Lp~ which
~, 5 are ~rranged to i~teren~age with flap~; on th~ aontairlor
or ca~e to hold the pallet ~;tructure fixedly in
po~ition on the aontain~r or aas~.
~; Also in accordaD.ce with th~ inve~tion t}~.ere
iæ provided a pal~ et i~or inte~ration with a ac~ntainer
or case, the pal}.et compri:~ins a. :~ecta~gular ba~;e
having ;Elaps exl:ending from two oppo ed side3 ~hereof,
a~d a plurality of -eti~e~ing DQe2~n~ extending acros~
the base, with t~e base being f oldabl~ about a line
. e$ten~in~3 acro~;~; the }~ase ~etweeII t~e two sides which
h~ve said flap~ .
' In order that the ~nventlon may ~e re full~
:1 und~3rstood~ a number o~ pr~en~ly pre~rred embodiments
,', in acco:cdance with the in~ntion will now be de~ ribed
~, by way of example and with re~erenc~ to the
2D a~c:omparlying drawings~ in ~hiah:
Fig. 1 is an illustra~ion of th~a a~ ;embly
a f i~:~t e~bocl~ent of pall~
;~! Fig . 2 ~hows t~e pallet o Pig ~ 1 în
.;~ a~;semble~ fo~al;;
Pig " 3 shows th~ pallet oi~ Fig . 2 :Eol~ed
i~ about a csntre line;
. Fig. 4 ~3hows the p~llelt of }~ig. 3 being
presen~ed to a Case;
,~,! , Fig,. 5 ShC~WB the pallet and aa~ o:~ ~ig. 4 in
3~ a partially a~sembled ~onn,o
~ig. 6 shows~ ~he i~ Lal asæ~mbl~r o:E ~hf~ ¢ase
l and pallet of Fig. ~;
Fi~. 7 s~Lo~:3 the a~sembl~r of a 8eco~d
s 3 embodiment o:E palle1:;
. ~j 35 Fig. 8 show~; a ~ur~her ~tep in the asseml91y
o~ th~ pallet o~ Fig. 7;
Fig. 9 shows the p~llet o:f Fi~. ~ oldsd
a~out a ce~tr~ line ar~d pr~ n~ed to a case;
Fig. 10 ishows th~ paLl.let ar~d aa~e oi~ Fig~ 9
in a par1~ assem~led ~D~l;
s F~ hows the c:ase~ and pall~t o:e Fi~. 10
;~ in the ~ lly assembled form;
. Fig. 12 shows a lnckirLg device to secur~ the
pallet a~d case in the a~e~led i~orm;
1~ Figs. 13 ~o 16 i llu~trAte s~eps in the
- asfiembly o~ a ~hird e~bodi~enl: o~ palle~ d ~on~ e~;
-- ~ Fig~. 17 and 18 illu8~rat/3 ~;teps in the
a~ ly o~ a follrth em}~odi~er~t of pa~leti6ed
cont; Lin~3r;
p'lg5. 19 to ~2 illu trate ~t~p in th~
., a38edl~bly oi a fifth embod~ent of palletised co:~ltainer,
s. 23 to 25 ill~ trate ~teps in ~he
~ assembl~ O:e a ~ir~it embodiment of ~re~-~;itanding pall~t;
.i Pig~i. 26 and 27 ~llustrate ~;it~ps i~ the
~ a~sem}: ly o~ a second e~bodime~t of ~r~ ta~ding
8. 23 to 30 illustrat~a ~t~p~ in ~h~
as~ ly of a thi:ed emb~im~nt o~ fre~-standing pa:~let;
Figs . 31 to 3 3 illustrate st~ps in the
25 a~embly o~ a fourth e~b4dimes~t OI ~ree-s~anding
Fig. 34 illustra~es; a furth~r ~tep i~ the
as~ bly of a palleti~ed ~onta~.~er;
~ ig. 35 ~hows th~ i~al a~;sem}~ly Btep ia~ the
30 ~a3cing of a palle1:i~3ed conta~ner;
Fi~ . 36 i~ a detail ~iew showing th~ r~e~e
folding o~ t~a board ~nat~ial ~rom which the pallets
are ~nade;
Fig~. 37 ~o ~2 illu~trate steps in tl~e
;~ 3~ ass~l~r of a :3ixth ~m~odi~ent o~ pallet~ ~ed contai~er;
2 1 ~ 9 7
Figs. 43 to 411 illu~;trat~ ~;tap~ th~
as3embly o~ a seve~h em~o~lime~t ~ pall~tl~d
Fig . 4 9 i6 a plan vie~ o:E the layollt i~or a
one-piec:e two way en~y free-3ta~din~ pallet;
~iq. 50 shows th~ pi~llet o:e Flg. ~ whe~
- Fig. Sl i~; a plan Vil3W o:f the layout ~or a,: one-piece four way erltry free~standin~ pall~3t; and
Fig. 52 ~how~ the pall~t o~ ~ig. 51 when
a~3se~ibled .
Ref errin~ f ir~;t to Fig . 4, thi~ ~;howa; a
case/co~tai~er whic h is ~o :~or~ p~r~ of ~he integrated
case and pallet oi~ th~i present inve~ltio~. The
lS ca~e/contai ner lO is i~ormed from at least one pieoe o~
- :~oldable packagin~ ~aterial. The materia} ;Er~m which.i th& ca~e i~ made may be for example a corrug~t~d
b~board material ~, such a~ ~riplo-:lEluted l~ihreboa:cd
~-, for ~artic:ula~ly heavy du~y ~a~3e~ or double-walled
2 corrugated board ~or normal appli¢a~iorls . The ca~;~ ha~;
two opposed nd wallg 12, each wi~h a top ~l~Lp (not
showrl) and 2L bottom flap 14. The ~:a~i~ also ha~ two
oppos~d sides 16, each with a t~p ~lap tnot sh~ and
--, a bottc~m flap 18. The c:a~e ~ ~ joined alo~g the
ad~ace~t ~d~es o~ ~ne ~id~ and on~ ~nd, a~; indi~:ated ~t
` ~ ~ O, f or e~ample by ~titching or gluei~g or stitching
~d ~luei~ .
.~ q!he pallet part o:f~ the ~::nns~:rus:tion is 3howr~
~, in Pig. 1~ q~he pa.llet i~ i~ormed fro~ at lea;st ~hrefpieces of ~oldable pa~kaging material. T~e pr~;~erred
'~ materiRl ~or the~ pallet i:3 a singla or double-wall
'`-I corrugated fibreboarcl. The ~irst piece of ~oldable
packagirlg ma~ riz~1 is indicated ge~e:rally a~ ~2. Thi~
ao~sîst~; of a recta~gul~ shee~ of ~oard from whi~h the
; 1 35 four co:rn~r~ ha~e ~een removed by a 3uil:able cutting
- -,
. ~
~1 .
--6-- 21 1 9 rl~
.. ,. ~iJ
- method, leaving two reatan~ular board ~r~3as ~4
extending ~rom oppo2;ed ~;ides oiE the mai~ board ar~a.
~hese two }i~rojecting areas 24 ar~ cr~aæed and~Gr scored
across~ the corrugations to e~bl~ them each to }aç~
- 5 ~olded into a hollow }:~ox-~h~p~d onfi~3uratior~ wh~
then g~ued or s~itched t;he D~ boa:rd a~ea as
dicated in Fig. 1 ~or the 10ft ha~d por1;ion 24 .
-~ Crease~;Jscore~ are made along the corr~ga~ior~s
- betwee~ the ma~gin~; o~ ~he projecting portio~; 2~ to
i~orm pallet flap6 28 which ~re arranged to be ~olded
dowr~ and back unde:~ the pall~t, a~; ~;hown iIl Fig~ 2. A
centre crease/score 30 i5 provided ~c~ro~3s the
corrugation acro~;s the ~ull ~idth o:E the fi.rsl: pie~e
of material 22. This centre crea:se/~core erlableæ the
,, 15 pallet to ~old about this centre lin~ ~ illustrated i~
Fi~ 3. ~wo further pieces o~ foldable packaging
~a~erial ~2 are each o~a~ed/scored acro~ the
orrugations to enable them ~o ~e ~olded into a ho~low
~'3 box shape co~iguration which i~ th~ glued or ~titched
~l 20 together. These pieces 32 are thon ready to be :~ixed
to the main board area. ~3ach piec~ 32 has a length
which i8 equal to half the distance betwee~ the
crease/sccr~ line~ . Asa shown st clearly i~L Fig. 1,
-s an imagi~ar~ centre line on one o~ the widar ~idec o~
~' 25 ea¢h ~ox-~;ha~?ed piecs~ 32 i~3 pos~ tioned direc~ly over
~; tha ~entre ~old lin~ 30. The pieces 32 ar~ then glued
~; ox ~ti1:ched over only ~alf ~helr respective a:s:eas onto
:~ . the mai n board and o~ respec~ LV~e oppo~ite sides of the
~; ceIltre old line 30. In other w0~ , the piec~ 2 are
;1 30 ~titched or glued on~o the areas 34 which ar~ indi~ ted
}:~y c~rosE; hatching i~ Pig. 1. It is to }~e noted that
the ~reaæea/~ore. 26 ~d 30 are in ~aG~ ~ade on the
~; ~ rever~e side o~ ~he ~h~et o~ materi~l 2~ . o~ the
urldersisle as viewed in Fig ~. 1 . It ~}lould also be Ilc\ted
that the portions 24 which are shown in Ti~. 1 as being
~! 21 1 9 791
,~ ~
irlte~ral with the maial sheet o~ mat~rial 2~ aould
.. al~ernakively b~ ~or~d a~3 separa~ item~, whic:h ara
: then stitched or qlued to th~ main ~heet. In ~hi~ case
each portion 24 would be creased/scored with ~our li~es
S to make ~ive ~ec~ion~ ~hi~h would f old into al hollow
box-shaped configuration whi~h would the~l be glued sr
.i stit~:hed together before being ~ixed, again by glueing
or stitching, to the margins o~ the main boaxd 22.
To a6semble the integrated case a~d pallet
shown in Fig~ o 6, it i5 ~irst nec~ ry to
~- as~ ble the case 10 from a ~1 t for~ into it;~3 made-up
~orm as ~hown in ~i~ . 4 . The pallet~ con~txuct~d a~
shown in Fig. 2, is~ ~olded a~out the ce~tre lin~ 30 a~
~hown in Fig. 3. ~he pallet is ~hen a~ta~hed to the
case by sliding the pallet down o~ to or~e of the bottwn
s ~r2d ~lap~ 14 of the ca~e, a:3 3hown iA E~ - 4. !rhi~
proc:edu~e~ po~ ior~:3 the bott~-om e~d ~lap 14 bet~een the
pallst flaps 28 and the pallet ~ase. T~e ne~t ~;tage i8
., tQ align the ot~ser end oi~ ~h~ pallet wi~h ~ho other bottom elld ~lap 14 o~ the aa~e. This ~lap 14 iF~
, '~ ins~rted betweell the f laps 2 8 of th~ palle~t and the
pallet ba~e arld is pushed until ~he pallet lies ~lat on
-, the hase o~ the case, a~ hown i~ ~ . It is then
.~ orlly nec:essa~y ~n in~ort three ~earer:~ o~ 3truts 36
~ 25 w~ are o:E e~ual leng~h iAto ~:he ho}low bo~ 3hapecl
;~ portions 24, 32 o the p~llet. With th3 s:e~tral beerer
.~ 1 or ~:;trut 3 6 pu~hed through the ~wo o~antral box-~haped
~, piec:e~ 32 the palIet i8 fi~ r locked again~;t foldi~g
and is secured to the case by the in~erer~çragemeR~ of
t~e rPspective ~lap3 14 and 28.
. 1 ~e~errir~ ow ~o Figs . 7 to 12 ~here is shown
-~ an alternative em~odiment of pallet f or attach~e~t to
~-~ the ca~e 10. ~ere the pallet i~ formed f:ram one piea~
40 of foldable pack~ging ~aterial. The pr~ferr~d
. i ~5 material ~or ~hi con~truction is a sheet OI ~ingle or
. ' '.i ' ' . , ' ' : ' ` ' ' ' ~ ~ ' . ' . ' ' , .: ,
2 ~ 7.9 1
do~t}~le-wall c~orruga~ed f.ib~ ard. Three parallel
::rea~eR/3core3 ~2a, ~2b, ~2c ar~ provided ac;ro~ss the
. ~ corrugations towards e~ach end o~ the shee~ 4 û to de~ine
pallet f~aps 28 as i~ t~e first ~mbodimon1:. In ~hc
- 5 second f~Dlbodi~ent t~p run~ers 44 ~r~ plaGed on th~3
eel; 40 a~ shown in Fi g. 7 ,. q!he~ xuP.ller~; are
pr~erably of timber. ~h~a pallet ~laps 2B ~old ~aack
o~er ~he runners 31 . A~ in the f ir~;t Qmbodim~nt, a
cen~ral ~:reassJ~;core 30 ifi provided acros~i the gh~et ~0
11) to enable the pallet to fold a~; sh~wn in Fig. 9.
Be~ea~h ~he ~3heet 4 0 are positioned a
~, plurality of ~i~?er }~loc:3c8 46 ansl ~L8, ~ hown ~o~
clearl~ i~ Fig. 8. The top ;runrlers 44 are nai}ed to
~, the blocks 46 and 48 with ~he coxru~at~d sheet 40
therebekween~ ~h~ palLet 13 then turned o~er ~ see Fig.
.3 8 ) and bottoDI runners ~ and 52 ar~ then nailed on to
the timber block~i 46, ~8. :rt i6 to be ~ot~d that a~;
~ the bloc}c6 4 a a~d ~he top run~er~ 52 which are
b~,3 po~itioned on each side oi~ 'che c:entre line 30 ~ eet
along ~he c~3ntre line, the d~ 3n~ions of these bloc:ks
and ru~rler~ are ~;~aller tha~ those of the out~ide
b}o~ 46 an~ run~ers Sû. ~hen th~ pallet is folded as
hc~wn in Fig u 10 the centre bloc:3cs 4 8 an~ thei~ runners
~J 52 pivot apart, one on each side saf the cerltre liIl-3 30
.~ 2~ ~o assemble the in~egra~ed s:ase and pallet
shown in ~igs . 7 ~o 12, i~ Lg f ir~t n~a~3æ$ary to
as~;emble the c~ e ~rom a ~Elat form iIIto the ~nade~-up
i, fo~m as sh~w~ in Fig . ~ . I!ha pallet i8 ~olded as shown
i~ Flg. ~. The pall~t i~; theIl attache~ to the case lO
by sliding the pallet do~n on to on~ o~ ~he bs:~to~ end
iElaps 14 o~ . he ca~;e . q~b,is ~gain po6itiolls this glap
be~wee~ the palle~ 1ap~ 28 an~ th~a pallet base. ~he~,
. I as shown i~ Fig. 10, the oth~r bottom end flap 14 of
. the case 1~ loaated in the pa~let and ~he pa~l~t is
. 35 pu~hed down until it lie~ ~lat a~ain~t the bottom o:~
~` 2~79~
the c~e. ~he flange cr~a~ed ~y u~ th~3 o:~eaaso/~c:ore
.. 42~ is thes~ pushe~l into th~ :en~ro ol~ the pa~ t to
aahie~e th~ posi~ion ~ own in Fig. 11. It iE; thlan
s~nple procedure to lo~:k the pall~$ in plz~ce by nailin~
a locking ~ab 54 . to ~he central blocks 48 a~ shown iA
Fig. 12. Thi~ is repeated on the other ~ide o~ the
.~. p~lle~. q!he pa~let i8 then f~rmly loc:ked ~ plaa~
~gain~t fol~ing a~d i~ integ:~ated wit:h the ca~.
The bearer~3 or s~r~lt:~ 36 shown in Fig. ~ are
lQ pr~rabl~r of hi~h-~n~ity polys~y~ene,, al~hough
alter~ative ~ate:rials may be u~;ed r For ~xample, thr~e
r'' timber ~lock~ ~imilar to the blocks 4 6 in the ssco~d
e~bodi~ent, eec:ured between top aIl~ b,ottom ~imber
rullners ( similar to the runne~ ~ l could be used~
Alterna~ively, a corrugated ~ibrsboard sheet could be
used, ~uitably scored and ~lot~ed a~:l folded to form a
~' bloalc xuitable for inasertio~ o ~he hollow box-like
efere~lce is now made to t~o ~od~ent show~
ill Figs. 13 to 15. This illustrate:; ~he: pallet
conetruction ., !rhi~ ~how~ a di~ ~:u~ palle~, i . e ,. a
~hape e:ut out of one sheet of ~oard. The mat~rial
which is pre~erably u~ed is corrugated fib;rehoard,
although any other ~ able material can be u~edO ~I!hi~
; ~5 pallet, in c:ontras~ to those d~ rihed earlier, i~ a
. dou3~ deck pallet with the ~trengthe~Liny beares~
betweerl the declssl. The cut board shaE~e i5 produce~
¦ with two ~langes 110, on oppo3i~e e~ides o~ the dec:3c 108
, o the pall~t. The deck 1û8 i8 divided b~r a ~old lin~
116 w~ich, a6 will be appa~:ent here~aft~r, ~nable3 ~l~e
pallet to ~ ~olded abollt t:hi5 ~old line 116~ In Fig.
1~ tha ~oa3~d i~3 ~how~ as h~ g a nu:~er of ~old lirles
-~ and revers~ fold line:3 124 ar~d ~lit:æ 126. A~er the
nece~;s~ oring and ~littil~ o~ tha sheet o board,
~he sheet aarl be folded illtO the coni~i~uration ~ho~n in
,~ . . . ... . ..
2~ ~7~
Fi~. 14, ~3y which proaeaiff; tu}~ ; 120 a:re areat~ b~
rev0rse olding o~ the ~heet material at 124. T~e~e
tubes 120 recei~e bearer~3 118, on~ at each sidl3 o~ the
pallet and on~ ::entrally. It il.5 l:o b~ r~oted how~ver
S t~at tbe c:e~tral. bsa:~er 11~ is not ins~rted into the
pair of c~ntral tube~; 120 until ~he pal~ et has ~Q6~n
~i~ted to the ca~3~/cc\ntainer, ~here;by loaking the
pallet to the: aa~e/contai~er, els ehobm in Figa. 34 and
- ~5. ~he be~rer a~n ~e manu~a~ured from aorrugated
~ibre~oard, expand~d poly3tyr~n~s or a~y othex ~uita~le
; ~a~erial.
In ~he a~ emb~ step shown in ~ig~ 14, after
'. the neces~ary foldi~g, the pe~r~ 3 glued together in
the a;reas indicated at 112 and 114, illuS~t~ated by
cros6-hatchin~ in the drawin~s. Th~ deck 108 is
;7 s~cured to the glued areas 11~ a:r~d 114 t;o create the
pallet structu~e 3hown in Fig. lS ~
A~ shown in Fi~s. 1~, 34 and 35, ~he pall~t
is fitted to the c:ase~con~ai:ner 1~ }~y ~ r:~t ~olding it
~, 20 about the ce~tre line 116 , then -Fitting the~ del?ending
~, portion over one of the ~lap~ 14 af the c:ase:/co~ta~n~er
and ~herea~ter ~itting t~e other hali~ o~ ~h~ pallet to
~he opposi~7 ~lap 14. As ~entior:L~d a3bo~e, ~it~ing o:~
. the c:entral b~3arer or s~rut 118 ~hen lo~:k~ the pallet
in it6 flat ~state and also lo~ks it to the
. case/con~Liner .
.,.,. ..
Refer:;~ing now to ~ig~ 17 and 18, t~e~e how
a modified ~hape ~or the pall~t ~;he~t. ~ere, the ~heet
ha~ four ~eparate ~lallges 110 and the de~k ~rea~ 108
a~e positioned one at each end of the sheet. In this
e~3s:~d~ment, after th~ eces~ary ~oldlng, glueiny i5 only
required at the zo:~e~ t the en~r~ o the p~llet,
a~ compared with the g;reater gllleirlg area n~cessar3,r i~
the p:~e~:~ding e~nbodi~nt. ~gain, ~h~3 glusd area i~
i~dic:ated by c:ross-hatching i~ Fig~ 18. B*caus~ in
7~ ~
. ^`
. .
this em~od~ea~ the top dealc lOB is in two part~ whiah
come toge~her at ~he ce~tre, th,~ c:~n~ral i~old lin~ 116
which pf3rmi~s th6~ a~ee~nbly o~ the~ p~llet o~ tho
t:a!3e/container ex~erld~ acro~3s one o:~ ~h~ d~clc areas
- 5 108, towards ~he outer margin t;;hereo:E a~ ~hown in Fig.
;~; 1 7
Figs. 19 ~o 22 show a i~urth~r embod~mellt oi~
.' pallet cos~struation. ~!his pallet ~as two ~langes 110,
and 2~ ~3ingle glueing area 112 (~igO 20)o ~though this
f-~ 10 con;tructior~ if3 s~imilar to that ~;hown in Fl~s., 13 to
; ~ 15, less gllleing i~ re~uired as the top d~ck 108 i~
.- attached to the pair of cen~re ~ube; 120 ~y fit~:ing
.~ ton~ues 1:28 into the centre tube3 120 at the point3 130
j'- shown in ~ig~ 0. Thege tongue:3 128 are held is~: plac:e
;' 15 by the central }~earer 118 when this i~ i~itted. Il: m~y
be pre erable ~o use ~wo ce~tr31 bear~ , one i~itted
from each end.
Figs . 23 to ~5 ~how an example o:E free-
standing pallet. Its ini~ial cor~ uration is ~ilar
;~, 20 to that ~hown in Fig. 13, but without the i~lang~ llO
~-J and without the fold lin~ !he palle~ i8 a~;seD~l~d
by ~olding and g}ueing at t~e z;oI~e~ 112 and 114 and c:ar
. be u~e~l as an alternat~ ~e to a ti~ r pallet O
. Fi~s. 26 a~d 27, which ~hould b~ ~viewed ir
combin~ion with l?ig. 25 show a pallet board
con~iguration which i:~ simila~ to ~h~t sh~ FigO
1~, but again without the ~la~ge3 110 and without th~
ce~tral fold lin~3 116. Although thi~ is æ~lar ~o the
r~ ' pallet C0~15trUCtiOIl showr~ in Fi~s. 23 alld 24, it ~old~
dii~i~ere~ly and requ~res l~ss gl~e~ ng a~ the two parts
108 oE the top de~3c cs~e tog~the~r in t~e centre,.
Fi~. 28 to 30 ~;how ~re~ another free-star~ding
pallet~ ~he confi~uration he~re i~ ~i~ilar to tha~
',' 7 shown in FigO 20 ~ except that the ~:en~ral ~o}d line 116
ac:coss the top de~:k ~ 08 is ~ot p;re~ient ansl the flaIlge~
`'' '
,.; :~ ..... ..
" : : ~ ~ . I
7f~ ~
.... .
'. 110 are omi~ted.
Figs. 31 to 33 ~;how a free-standing pallet
'~ constru~ion which i~ s~lar to that ~h~ n ~ig~;,. 26
:: and 27, except ~hat hexe th~ cle~X areas 108 ar~
pro~ided each wi~h tWQ c~t-oUt~ 1~6. Wllen th~ sheet i~
~olded, a~; shown in ~igs.. 32 and 33, glueillg area~ 114
-~ are exposed through the top deok 100, l~ thi3
3~ embod:iment the glueing area C:0I15il;t~ oi tho~3e expo~d
areas 114 and also the re~ainder o~ the d2ck 10~, ~o
';~d 10 that a~ acldition~l sheet o~ board 138 ca~l be glued
laminated) on~:o the deck a:r~a~ q~hi3 p~ovide8 a ~roe-
~t~nd ng pallet, a; ~how~ i~ Fig. 33, o~ ~superior
~trength and whiçh ::an be u~ed as an alternati~ to a
ti~b~3r pallet~.
3~S Rsference L~ now m2~ ~o ~i~B. 37 to ~2 which
how another em~odiment o~ die cut pallet which is
;~ arra~ged to ~e folded ~or :eittiAg to a aa7~;e/c:onta;ne~-
.~ This de~ign of pallet does not require any addition~
manufaatllring proce~3s such as glu.eing or ~titchiIlg, as
.~ 20 it is ~elf-locking. It i8 a ~iingl* deçk pallet. ~I!he
material used i~ pr~ferably corrugated fibreboard,
although any oth~r ~uita3b1~ rial ca~ ~e us~d o q!he
~ general configllraticsn o~ ~he pallet i5 best ~hown i~
,~ ~ig8~ 37 and 3~. The ~he~t inc!1ude~ our ~;~par~te
!; 25 f1angeE; 14Q, which are u~ed a~ the me~ or atta~:hing
. the pallet to t}i~3 ca~;eJcon~ainer lCo Sliti;ing lines
a:r~ indica~ed a~ 10.2 and fo1d/sc~re ~ 8 at 143. Tw~
cut-outs 141 are prs:~rided in ~he sheet~ or:le ta~rds
~!: . eac~ end o~ the b1ar~k- These are rectan~ular cu~-outs,
. 30 po~;itioned between the fo1d line~ 141. Rev~r~e o1d:Lng
o~ sc:or~ is eiEf~cted at the po~ i~ions indiaatsd at
14~ . This is show:sl more cl~arly in Fi~ . 39 .
Additiona1 reverse fo1ding of scor~g i:3 e~ected at
. 150 ~
r. 35 q~he pallet is a~3:3emb1ed by ~olding the board
,. .
,~ .
2 i 19'~g~
. ~
alorLg the~ ore line~ 143, thu~ c;~ tin~ two ou~
tu~es 144 which ar~ locked by re~e;ræe ~olcli~g o the
acore~ a~ 145 . Bearers 14 6 ar~3 then in~exted in~;o the
out~r t~bes 14~ ~ Tho c~ e tube ~ ln three ~ection6 )
i8 created by ~olding of the score lin~; 14!~ t t~ls
stage ~he Eaallet is presen~d to the ca~container as
5" shown in Fig . 4 0 . q!he palle1~ he~ attached ~o th~
: caseJ~:ontainer a~; ~;ho~7n in Fig. 41. Wh~rl t~e pallet
lies ~lat on the r:ase/container as shown in Fig~ 42,
t:he centre tube 148 is locke:d by reversa î o~ the
-~ score5 at 150. The central bearer 146 ~:aII the}l be
iIlsert~d into the ceIl~re tu~e 148 to secure the pallet
to the ~:ase~container.
Figs~ 43 to 48 3how a two-piece die cut
pallet. A ~;hape cut o~ o~ one ~heQt of bo~d ~ke~
one half of the pallet, and each hal~ of the p~llet i8
iclentical to th~ other. As in th~ preceding
~bod~ment, this pallet doe:3 not re~uire any additional
manufact~ring proc:es2i such a~; gl~eing or ~;titching, a3
it i~; ~;elf -loc:ki~g . :~Sa~h half o~ ~he pallet i Ei fitted
:~ separately to the c:ase/container lQ ,, a~ ~hown mo~
~, cle~rly in Fig . 4 6, and the two hal~re~ oi~ the pallot
- co~ne tcsgeth~r at th~ cent~e b~fore b~ing lo~ked
togeth~r b~r a cen~ral beare:r 182 tFig. 48).
~he cor~fi~uratio~ o;E eac:~ pallet half is
~: ~;h~ Pig. 43~ Th~ two ~lange3 are ~adi~::at~d a~
170. Slits are indicated at 174 a}ld fold tines at 176.
. i q!wo Cllt-outs 1?2 a:~e pr~vided, o~e in oach J~oldable ar~d
.~ portion of ~he sheet. Score line~ whic~h are re~es~
folded are indicated a~ 180. The l:~easer~ are ir~dica~ed
a~ 182 and fit into tu~s 178, 184,. ~he Ge~tral ~ube
184 is formed i21 ~wo ~ec~io~s~, o~e a~:30q::ia~d with ea~:h
-~ pallet half. As b~fore, the flange:3 170 a~:e u~;ed aa
.~, the mean~ to attach each hal~ o~ th~ pall~t to the
c:a e/c:ontai ~er lO ~ The pallet is a~ bled by folding
. ~1
'` ' ~ ': .
.~.;" ~ ' ', ' ".
.'.''. ' ' ' .
., .
-, the board along th~ score lines }76, to cr~a~e ~wo
tube~, o~e 178 which is th~ 11 wi~th of t~e
c:aseiaontai~er a~d the o~h~3r :184 which i3 half th~
width of ~he cae~eJ~ontainer~ q~hle~;~ tuba~ a~e locked by
rever6e folding of the ~cores at 1~30 (Pig. 45~.
-.~ Bearers 182 are ~he~ i~6e~t~d irlto t:he tub~6 17B. A~
~, this ~;t~ge eac~h hal~ o~ th~ pallet is pr~e~ted to the
a~eJcontainer a~ ;hown in FigO ~6 . The pallet i3 then
aktached to t;he ~:a6e/c:oD.tainer as 8hown in Fig. 41~ and
1~ when the pallet lie3 f lat o~. the c:a:~/contairler a~
~;hown in Fig. 48 the two half width tubes 1E14 will be
in ali~nment and enabl~ th~ aentral bea2~er 182 to be
in~;erted to ~iec:ure t:h~ pallet ~o ho case~container.
Eig. 36 shows in more d~tail t~e method o~
-.~ 15 rever6e folding alon~ a ~;core li~e, a ~ea~ure which i~
. applicable to each o~ the embosli:meIlt6 desc:ribed a:bove.
Fig. 4g show~ the layout o~ a~other oIle-pi~s:e
; dic-cut two way entry palll3t. T~e dec}c area i~
. iI~dicatsd at 208 ~ slits at 226 and rever~e :U::o~a ~ es
~: 20 at 224 . AI1 optional score ~ e i~; i~dicated at 230 ~
~5~ The pallet, in pa:~ly a~sembled f orm, is sh~wn i~ Plg .
.~ 50. ~he a~embly o~E th~ pallet i~3 ac:hiev~d 5imp~ y
olding and glueir~g o~ vartou~ areas.
; Fig~. 51 and 52 ~ihow a broad1y ~n~lar pallet
hut d~3signed :~or :Eollr wa~ entry i~st~Ad o~ two w3.y
, entry . ~Iere ~ the ~J.arlk i~; provided additioDLally with
. ~ix cut-outg 232 which, when the pall~t is a3~sembled,
pro~ride the further two entry ways.
-; ~
The layouts of Fig~ ~ 49 to 52 can
ltern2Lti~ely ~a produc:ed from two pi~ce~ of board" if