Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
osrxsroo rrt>< iø:i~ rex six ass ssoo slew cmceGO t~oo~
In telecommunication .sysrPm.c wi~.h mc~~~yc iaa.usmission link bctwccn a
message source and a message sink transmission and receprinn oevic~s wa
for message processing and transmission, Wherein
1) ~hC uicssage processing and xncssage transmission can ensue in s
privileged rransmissiuii tlitC~tio~t (simplex mode) or in both transmission
(duples: mode),
2) the message processing is pcPfPrahly cligi~al,
3) the message transmission via the long-distance link eusucs
witelessly on the basis of various message transmission methods PDMA
Division MmlriPle Ae:~css), TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) and/or
CDMA (Code Pivicinn Mul~iplc ALl:eSS) - for caample, according to radio
standards such 3s DECT, GSM, QiIAC_'.C nr 'f~acv, TS-54, IS-95, PI IS,1'DC,
etc. [see
LEEE Communications Magazine, January 1995, pagPS 50 rhraugh 57; D. D.
2 0 T~alvoncr ct al., "Time I~iwision Multiple Access Methods for tireless
C:On1)IrlltIllCsil1,U11~n~ aud/o~- ensues ~cvire-bound.
"MPSSagr" is a 1u~,11C1-1 ~.Lll~tilg tom that stands both fox the meaninfi
(information) as well as for the physinal rPrrc:senl.atiuu (siguel). Despite
the same
meaning of a mess~e - i.e. thr same information -, rli FFrrem sigual Imtus can
Z 5 occur. Thus, for example, a message relating to a subject can be
(1) in the form of an image,
(7) as a sPc~krm wutd,
(3) as a Wrlt'CPn ward,
Rocoivod Top-T9-00 03:19pm From-312 258 5600 To-Smart a Biaa~r Paso OOE
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09.'29/00 rRI 14:17 1'AX 312 258 5800 SHW CHICAGO 0003
(4) as an encrypted word or image.
The type of transmission according to (1).,.(;i) is thereby normally
characteruxd by contmuou;: (analo~ signals, whereas discontinuous si~n~tls
example, pulses, digital signals) usually arise gi't~en the type of
transmission '
according to (4).
PrnrPPding frnm chic gPnPral dPfinitiort of a message system, the
invention is directed to
(1) a method for settinfi up telecommunications connections in
telecommunications systems with wireless telecommunication,
to particularly in DLCT/GAr systems, according to the preatuble of
rarPnr claim 1,
(2) a mobile part for setting up telecommunications connectiotas iza.
telecommunications systems with wireless telecommunication,
particularly z~n .L~,I~C:'!.'/CrAl' systems, according to the preamble of
1 ~ patent claim G, and
(3) a teleccrtixuiuuicdtiuu sysl,a~u wi,cclcs' ~Glccuimuuuica~ieir~,
partictylarly I~ECT/GAP system according to the preamble of patent
claim ~.1.
'Telecommunication systems of the type defined above arc, for cbamplc,
2 a DECT Digital Enhanced (previously: European) Coy-dlcss
1'clcconuuuiucation; see
Nurhrichtenterhnik Llektrunik 42 (,~992JJura./1'ef~., No. Z, l3e~rllra, DB; U.
",Struktur ryvc OF.C:'>7=,Sr.~redrrr~c "regpc 7.i t..hrough Z9 in combination
with the ETSI
Publication R?"S30C119f-l.-._9, C~croher 1992; (2): Telcorn Reporr lfi ~Y993~,
No. l,
j.H.Koch, "IJi~at~tler I~'omfart Fair schnurlosc l 'clckomrnunik~tion --
a 5 crooner nem~e N~rar~n~sgebictc"p~ges 26 xnd 37; (3J: tee 2.93 -- D~xs
terhnische ~ircg~xzin
vora Asv.-uns "ix''ege our araivarsalleni irtobilela Telrkorr~rr~ssikuCiurd';
p~c~es 3S-42; ~~~:
Fbilips ~'4>l~:ornrnr~riirutivr~ lie~ui~crrr> Yul. ~9> Nu. 3, Sepc. 1991, R.J
NluldHr, '~1~~"C:"l; ~,z
arrri.~mrc~l. .cordless access sysrerr~ ".' (.5'~: jfin _93./21719 (~9grsres 1-
3 zwirh appert~inirr~
descripraorr)J or GAP systems (Generic Access Profile; see ETSI publication
Rvovivod Svp-ZO-00 07:1tapm From-X12 Z6fi 6600 To-Smart Ja iliaaar Paso 003
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09~'29~'00 I~'ItI 14: iF1 T~'AX X12 25f1 5800 uHW CHICAGO 11004
?OCk~~, L~ece~raher .r9.9.S, .F.'T.ST, Fi?), that pan hP wnsrrnc-.r.Pri fir
rhP trancmi~sinn rtf
voice and/or packet data, for example according to the illustration in Pigure
1. The
GAP standard is a sub set of the 13EC;'t' standard that has the job of
assuring the
inter-operability of the DECT radio interface for telephone applications,
s According to the DECT/GAP s~anaara. iv is p~s~ible, il>< acc~rdaucr
with the illustration 1n Pigttre 1., rn sr~r ttr ar a T~FC-'T./CTAP hasp
crarion F.q a
maximum of 1'~ connections according to the TDMA/PDMA/TDD method (Time
t~ivision Multiple Access/Frequency Divisiox~ Multiple Access/Time Division
Duplex) in parallel to DECT/ClIP mobile parts MTl. . .MT12 over a
DECT/GrAP air i~xterface configured for the frequency range between 1.8B and
C~T~z. ThP nt.tmlarr 17 rPSttlrc from rhP nnmhPr "k" ~f rimP slurs nr
teleconununications channels (k q 12) available for the duplex mode of a
DE~:TICTAp system. The connectioxas here m,ay be internal arxd/or external.
there is an internal connection, two mobile parts *e~;istered at the base
station 1JS,
1 ~ for example the mobile part MT2 and the mobile part MT3, can communicate
VL1C ilt1V~11C1. Tu sec up au external cunuectiou. the Lace statiuu IrS is
cuuucctea to a
telecommunications nprwork Tli.l\T, for exarn.ple in line-bound form via a
telecommunications coa~nectior~ unit TAE andlor z private branch exchange
NStA with a line bound telecommunications network or, in accordance with WU
2 0 95/05040 in wireless tornrx as a xcpeatex statxo~n with a superordinate
telcconuntxuicativus r~ctwox-k. ~11C11 tl~uc is a~x c~ctcr~xal co,uucction, it
is possi171e
ro ttse a mnhile~ tart, fnr exarnPlP the mohilP Ztarr M'T'1, ro
cr~.m.rt~unicare with a
subscriber in the telecommunications network TK.N via the base station BS, the
telecommunications connection unit TAE or the private branch exchange Jystem
a5 NStA. if the base station J3S has aV in the case of the Crigaset 951
(Siemens cordless
telephone, cf. Telconz report 2G, (1993) Issue 1, pages 2G and 2~) - only one
cuuucction w the telecvuuuuuicatious cuuuecciuu uuic TAI; raml/m 1,u ~Lc p~ 1V
Grar~ch exchange system. IVSr.A, only o.~e emrernal cr~nnPCrion can be set up.
If the
base station ES has - as in the case of the Gigaset 952 (Siemens cordless
Racaivad Sap-Z9-00 03_l9pm From-31E 256 5600 To-Tmart 8 8iaaar Paaa 004
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09.29/00 T'1tI 14:18 rA8 512 258 5800 9IIW CHICAGO 0005
cf. Telsnm r~Pc~r~ 16, (1993), issues 1, pages 26 and 27) two connections to
telecommunications network TKN, a fur~hcr rasternal connection,, is addition
the external connection to the mobile part 'MTI, is i~c~s~iVlC rt u111 a line-
telecommunications terminal TKE which is connected to the? hacP staric~n BS.
vliis colucxt, it is in principle aleo conceivable for a second mobile part,
for example
tH.e mnhile Pm MT12, to use the second port for an external connection,
instead of
the telecom.rrn,nirations terminal TKE. Wliile the mobile pares M 1'1. .
.M'1'1~ are
operated with a battery or an a.tcttmnlarnr, the. l»c s6atiun I3S which is
dcsigacd as
a cordloss small-scale exchange is connected to a voltage network SPN via a
cun.ucvtivn unit I'.Tl~C. The configuration shown in Figure 1 is referred Tn
"stanrlarri f~FC:T SI:ClliilllJ".
.Alr.Prnatively w Lllt about-described "standard 1)EC~'1' scenario", a
~c=alkie-t;zlf-ie mode is also possik~lP arrnrrling u~ W097/42J'17 (sec patent
claim 4),
whereby the base statAOn (switching equipment) anal a m«l~ilC yu 1, Iorm a
-i 5 Tliis mobile then assumes the functionality of a base station and is,
thus, a ~masi
hasr. wa~iuu. TLe other mobile parts can synchroni:!a to this quasi base
station and
set up inTertaai c-.nnnrca.ictus. Give tuffs walkie-talkie mode, a base
Station is usuolly
not within radio ra.ngP of the walkic-I:allue ~~lvbilc parts.
Figure 1 shows, an the haciv of the pullivaLlutl Components 31
2 0 (193), Issue 6, pages 215 to 218; S.Althamnner, D. Briickzxtann:
TC:'s Lui DLCT-Schnurlostelctonc", the basic circuitry design of the bsse
station BS
and of t:he mnhile part MT. Au:uiditlg tv flit latter, the base station !35
and the
mobile part MT have a r9rlin cnmPumcu~ FrST with an antenna ANT which is
assigz~ed to transmitting and receiving radio si.gnalc, a cignal prucCSailig
device SVE
2 S and a central coz~troller ZST which are coxmecred to one another in the,cd
way. The t'adio component FKT contains essentially the .lanowa devices such as
transmiucr SE, a teceivcr I;M and a synthesizer SY.N. The sigaal processing
SVE contains, inter alia, a c:c~ding/ device CODEC. The central
ZST has a, microprocessor lr.P hnt.h fc~r ~hc Lase station BS anal for the
mobile part
Roaelvod Sop-29-00 03s19pm From-312 Z58 5600 To-Smart a Bisser Pa'e 005
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09/29/00 ITtI 15: 41 1'AX X12 25Ff 5800 uHW CHICAGO ~ 00~
NT, witli a program uludulc PGM, scL up ac;c:urc.liug u~ He f~ST/TSW layer
[~f. (1): T TnrPrri~hrsbl~rrer - :f.~elltsche Telekom, 'Val. ~.8, 2/ 1995,
pages 102 to 111;
(z): ETSI publication ETS 300175-1...9, October l9yl~, a signal control
SST and a digital signal processor USP, which are connected to one another in
5 way illustrated. Ot the layers defined is the layer model, only the directly
first four' layrs are illustrated fur the Last station 13S :lull H1C lnulmll:
har4 MT_ The:
cignal n~nrrnl nnmPnnPnr SS'T.' .is designed as a Time Switch Controller TSC
in the
base station BS and as a Surst Mode Controller BMC inn, the mobile part MT.
essentisi. difference between the two sifinal control components '1'SC:,
k3MC;G consists
in the fact that the ba:,e station specific sigtla,L control component TSC
assumes switching functions in ~orl~parisou with the luohile pat L-spcci.(i.l:
uuuliul Culll~lullCIlL BMC.
The principal method of operation of the circuit units specified above is
described for example i~t the publication Components 31 (19y3), Issue 6,
pafies l15
~.5 to '.~.ll~, cited above.
The described circuitry- design according to Figure 2 is supplemented in
the base station I3S and the mobile part MT lu ae;~uld~au~C wall L11CIT
func:~.icm in rhp
DEC1T/GAP system according r.~ Fig,~te t by mPan.s of additional function
The base statiola BS is connected to the telecommunications netvcrork
3 0 'I'KN v'ia the signal processing device S V.~ rmd the telecommunications
unit TAX or the private branch exchange system NStll, l~s an option, the bast
station BS can also have a user interface (fu~~trtioual uuil,s slmwu with
hrukcil lines
in Figure 2), wliidi cmupiiscs, !ur CXid.L11~.11C, :ul inhm. drvic:c~ FF
rie~.signrd as a
k.cypad, a display device A~ designed as a display, a hand-held unit SHE
designed as
2 5 a handset with microphone MIF sad earphone H'K, as well as n ringer
'1'1ZK. '
The mobile part M'1' ha, a user interface which is possible wiCh the bast
station liS as as option a*td which has the control clcmcrxts described above,
arc associated with this user interface.
Recemed Sep-29-00 04:42pm From-312 258 5600 To-Smart & BWaar Paae OOd
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09J29~'00 1'RI 14:19 I~'AX 312 258 5800 SIIW CIIICAGO f~] 007
Y'igure 3 shoars, based on the publication "Nachrich~xutechaik
Elektroriik ~4~ (1992) ]'an./F'eb~, No~ 1, Rrrlin, DE; U. hilger: "Str'ulctnr
tire DECT-
Standards", gagP~ 23 to 29 in conjunction with ETS 300175-1.. .9, October
the TDMA structure of LHc DECT/C~AF' system DC'TS. The DEC'1'/CiAP system i~
a hybrid system in terms of the ulultiglc access methods in whi4h, in
with l.t~C rDMA principle, it is g~ssll)1C to transmit radio
telecommunications on
ten frPrlr>.eucies in the frequency band hct,ween 1.88 and 1.90 GI~~z from zhe
station BS to the mobile part M'r and from the mobile part M'1 to the base
$5 (rime Division Duplcx Mode) according tn the TDMA principle is accordance
-t O with Figure :i in a prescrihcd tiruc sequessce. 'Z'he time cPducwe is
dctcrmiaed here
by a multiple time frame M'7.R, which occurs every '160 ms and whie:h has 16
framea ZR, each mth a time perir~d of 10 t~~.s. Intorrs'.atioww'hich
to a C-, M-
~ N, p-, C)-channel dcfncd in the DECT Srandard is transmitted separately rn
base station 3~S and mobile part M'r in these time frames ZR. if information
for a
1,5 plurality of these channels is taansmittcd in one time frame ZR, tht
~alscs place according to a Priclrity list where M > C ~ N and P i N. Each of
1H tirnc ruamos Zli of the multigle tiruc ~'dme MZIi is divided in Tern iulu
24 time
slots 7.5, each with a time period of 417 ~ls, of which 12 time slots ZS
(rimr. slits 0...
11) are intended fclr the transmission direction "hasc ~~ation BS - mobile
part NT"
2 0 and a further 12 lima SluCS zS (time slots 13 ... 23~ arP irmrtldod for
the tr~rnission
direction "mobile part MT ~ vasG station IdS". In. each of thPxe titer slots
iujurmation with a bit length of 480 bits is transmitted in acc.~rdance with
DEC:T St~dard. Of these 480 bits, 'i2 hi~a arc transmitted as synchroniuatiuu
informari~n iu a SYNC field anal 388 bisc are traimuitted as payload
information iu
a 1~ field. The remaining 60 bits are transmitted as aciciitiut~al
intormatiort in a Z
field and as grotectivr inforrndtivlx in a "guard time" field. The 388 bits of
the 1'~
CiGld which axe transmitted ac uscjul information a:re in turn diviclc~l into
a 64 bit
long A ~~ld, a 320 bit long B field and a 4 bit-long "J'C C~R~-" word. The 64
Reevived 9eW-29-00 09:18Wm Frum-812 299 8800 Tu-8macl i Bisccar Pace OOT
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09/29'00 I'1tI 14:19 rAx 312 258 5600 SII5lr CHICAGO C~ 008
A field is cnmYvscd of as ~ bit long data header, a 40 bit-lnry data record
for the (_:-, Q-, M-, N', P- channels and a 1 fi vit-long, "A-CRC'" vrc~rd.
Figure 4 shows, taking the DEC_'."'r system according to Figure 1 as a
srar~iug point, a cellular'I7ECT/G11Y multisystrm CMI (Cordless IVIultic:ell
IrlrPgr;~6lon), in which a ghirality of the DECT/G AP systems DCGS descri.hed
above, cacti with one base station ES and one or more mobile parts M~1 are
at a given geng<°aphical location, fax example concentrated - in a "hut
arrangement - in an ~uluumstration building with large open-plan nfficas.
instead of an "enclasPd~geograPhical locatian, such as the ad~~ration
an "eyeaz" gcol; la~atiuu with strategic tele~'nrmuunication
sigaificanc:~, Lur
exampla squares is large citiPR with a high traffic volume, a large collection
co~ercial units acid lame volumPa c~I people waving, is alsc, yussiblc for the
installation of a cellular DECJ'1'/GAh muytisystcm GM~,1. A number c~I the
stations JiS arranged iu the open-plan office are designed here, in contrast
Lo the
1 s ba,SC stations accordisi$ tn 'W'O 95/ 10764 shown .'tti 'Fi~,urCS 1 and 2,
as axitenna
davPrsi6y base stations. The cc~ae:eutration. of the L~E~':T/GAl' systems DGS
is cc~
xnarLted hare (uninterrupted =adia cc'verage of the geographical location),
individual T)ECT/G1L1~ ~ystems DC'TS u~rerate is the sa=ne arena a.~ a result
of the
overlapping cellular DECT/GAF' radio cells FD.
vepending uu the degree of overlaPniug, the same axes may mezn llCrc
z~ a first base station RS1 of a [...1 preferably as first DECT/CAJ.' system
T~GS1 is arraa~ed in a firsr. radio cell r131 and a sennnd Lasc station SSZ
r,f a aCcond system 1~G52 is arrangca is a second radio cell F132 and can
set up telecommunications eonaecric~us tv at least one mabilP hart .
b) a third base station 1353 of a third DEGT/C'TAl' system l,~CyS3 and a
jourrh base station RC4 uj a fourth l.)ECT/GAP aysl.etm DCS'I~ axe
Raoeivad Sap-20-00 03~lOpm From-312 258 6600 To-Smert 8 Bi~sar Pa'e 008
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09.'29.'00 I'ItI 14:19 I~'AX X12 25ff 5800 wIIW CIIICAGO f~]009
arranged in a c:~tnmou third radio cell FR3 atld. can sct up
tclecommunicatinna .c:unncctions to at least onP muLilc part M~1'z,,,
liccording 'to the rmhli~;ation, "Yrcscntat~on afA., M. Barry, G.
Flern.i.~xg nn L~~e topic, "!»CTData Services -DECT ira H~aced and Mohxle
7~let'u~rorks ;
xT.~lB Ju.~P 1996, hotel Sofitel, Paris, pagPS T through 12 and Saammar~~, the
SCICCOmn1'uniCatl~~l SI:Clidt~l~ ShO~'rn in Figures 1 rhrc,ugli 4, whereby
DEC'T mohilr
parts arc connectable via a DECT air interface to a private (resi~lctttial)
DEG'f base
cta~iuu (Figure 1) or, respe~civPly, ~u vne or more private ar Public DLCT
cratiuus (I'igurc 1), can be expanded to the e'ffcct that the DECT mobile
parts are
coanerrahlC via the DEC:'r air interface: rc~ irtiwate and public DECT bacP
and voice and/or gwkat data eau thereby be rransiltitted.
According w WO 95/05040 (see Figures 3 Wsough 8 with the
rCSpcctivcly appertaining decrripLion) this scenario can in turn he axpandcd
in view
c,i' a "Universal Mobile Telecommunication System" ('U'MT"S) to the aLfect
~5 picocPll-related cordless teyecommunicatic~n systems (tor example, the
discussed T)ECT systems) be lit'aked under C:TM points of view (Cordless
Mobalaty; see ETSI Jsublia:utions (IJ: ''l~TArchitecrfsre. and
Fas~artionrxlit_y.for the supj~orr
of C!M'; Drafr y~rrsion T.10, Septernbcr XyyS; (~):
"ror~lo~cc'T'e~ruaimrxlll~obility (C,'TM)
- F'buse 2, Servico TJesrri~tiora ;. nrcsft DZ'/lVi4-o1003y, Version 6, 7
c')ciu~r 2995) iato
2 v a higher-ranking netwoxk inf=asrn,ch.urc (for csample, 1S1~N, PSTN, rSM
satellite nPtwutks) for accesses (see E?'S,II'uhlicallvras "'C~".M s9.ccess
Prorxle (rti P~';
~prL~TS 30pR24, Nwr~mbcr 199. According rn patens, claim 1 of V~IUyS/050~40,
can be achieved by a.'L7ECT:basc station fashioned ac T7ECT repeater. la a
universal mobile telecommunieaLicrn system, J,~ECT is mainly un d.crstood as a
~5 "nc~wvrk access techcaolagy".for mcwile communication services (cwr
F'res~ratrxtion of
A. F:lherse, M. l3ur'~y, C. F?~criaa~g orr the topic, "DEC~"Dat4s Serrricea -
DFCT in Fixec.~
and Mohila Nel~cr~orks", .17/18 J:ane 1996, Horpl .Sc,f girl, I'uris, ~rxges 1
thro~rgh !2 and
Sarrraynary~ and nrn as d artwork.
'. ;
. ~ i.
Race(vad Sep-20-00 03sispm From-312 268 5600 Tc-Smart 8 Bimer Pesa 009
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09/29.'00 hItI 14:20 I~'AX 312 2SF1 5600 SIIW CIIIC3<GO 1010
- - - -. .- - - - --~-,----
Standing for the abu've-presented scenario, Fi~w.e 5 -- proceeding froaa
the pnhlicatioas "Ncechriehte~arech. nik Elekt~'o~aik, .l~c~rlin ~s (1995) No.
1, pcxges ='3
thromgla .7.3 arid No. 3, pages a0 risad 30"a~ 'well gas ll;~ C.'olloqt~i~~m
1993, 173; (1993),
p,~Res ;29/1- 2.9/7; W". Tli~sg,1': l~ctlsull, "Corrlles~ access to the ISDN
basic race ~w'vice~'
on the basis of a f~R~:T/ISDN Irite~~ate SystCSUS DIIS acco.rdiag to the
T~blication prl=TS 30082?, F'e~ri~ury 1997 shows an "TS'f~N ~- DEC:'1'
Telcuornrnunication scenarici T~~TSZ(Intcgrated Services nigital Network
Digital Fultaliccd Cordless: Telecommunication) with m ISDN
network 'f-TKN Csee the paabl:catton °Nachrttt~derjtech~t~c
.~lektronak, E1!erlin 41-43,
' 1o Part: 1 through .10, PI: (j991) l~lo', 3, pages 99 rhrnu~r 102; P2:
(Iyy1) No. 4, pa'.g~c i'38
tlJrough .T 43; P3: (19.91 No. S, pages 179 through T82 anrl Nv. 6, pages 21y
thyoagh Z2e7;
P4.- .(1991 No. 6, pages 220 thriiugh 222 rxnd (29y:!) No. l, pr~gPC 19
Gh~roagh 20; .P~:
(1.992) Nv. 2, pages 59 thros~gh ;62. ~trul (1992) No. 3, pxgcs y9 through.
i0?; Pb: (1992,) .hlo.
4, pages .150 cbro~sgh 1 S3; Py~ ('X992) No. rL, jra$~s 238 thrott,~h :14Z;
,t'8: (1.99.9) Nu. l,
pages ''>9 through .33; P9.' (1 r.J93) ~lo. '~, pages 6.5 xhremgh 97 ~xttd (1
S~y3) No. 3, FagPC .129
thro~,Rb 135; P10: (1993 No. ~, y$cs Z 87 through 190 "] alld a DEC:' 1'
lGlecommunieation systemi:T~i-'ITS connected to the ~.SL~N
~Ptwuik I-TKN.
As to be cbplaia'~d in greater dcwil later, the J~ECT telecnmmuuication
~ ~,~,,m D_'T"~S cao, thereby ,~b~~a cotxipone°nt yeu.t of a DECT/151~N
system DIIS or, rPSPccCivt~yof 2vx~ KL~~-I- Tele~cumtllunication sub-system R
TTS. .The 1JEC'r relPCx~i.~ll'~liui~ieation system and, rh7LS, the DECT/ISl)N
imCimcdiatc system DIIS bt:°rPrpcx:tively, the IZLL/"WI-L
tel~r:em.ununication oub-
systPm arc preferably base~s'oia a L71?C~T/GAP system L~(~S as shown, for
2 5 in Figure 1.
A Iternativaly.; sh~C DEC:'1'I.ISDN iatermecliwc system I~1J.5 os,
rcspectiy'ely, the RT,T./'W~.T~'telecommunicatioa suh..aysvctil RVP-T~1'S carx
also be
Lascd on a CAM system~~CyiE9~rpe Spccialc Mobile or Glohal System for Mobile
r:r»uulunication; see Inf',,' ~~k Spektrum 1~1 (lyN1) Jurle, Nn. 3, Derlia,
DE; A.
;.; .
i; .
i.~ . ~i .
' s., ~,: ~' ,
Rocoivod Sop-28-00 OS:lBpm From-312 26A 5000 To-Smart i Bissar Paso 010
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09J29~ 00 I'ItI 15:41 rAg 312 25f1 5600 SHW CHICAGO f~005
Mailu, "Der GSM-Stauaaia-- Gr.uu~lla~c Iur Curuj~:iischr. McthilFimknPr.~P",
1'i7 rhrn"gh 15~), Tn..sread, it is also possible in the framework of a UMTS
that the rSL~N telecommunication network I TKN is fashioned as CrSM network or
as PSTN network (Public Switched '1'elecornmunications Network).
Coming into consideration over and above this as Iutr.hCr pussiVilitirs
for the >.-calization of the DI;C'T/ISDN iW,Ctmcdimc sywcrrt I~1TS ctr,
RI.I./WI.T. tPlPrnmmitnirarinn .suh-.system RW-TTS or of the ISDN
relecommttnicarion network r-ThN' are the initially cited systems/networks
are based on the known multiple access methods k.l>MA, 'I'IJMll, CDMl1
~ 0 (Frequency 1?ivicion Multiple Access, Timc Division Multiple Access, Codc
Division Multiple Access) and hybrid tuultiple ac~:GSS mctlm~ furrntad
The etupluyL.icr.t6 uI i°dJ.iu c;Humels (frtr examPlr, 17FC.'.T
channels in
rlascir, line-hound zelQCOmmuaication systems such as the ISDN (for example,
RLL/\7t'ILL scenario) is gaining in significance, particularly as viewed in
front of the
background of future, alternative networl~ operators without their own
wire network.
hot csraxuple> the w'irelcss uuuuccuum mchn«lngy RT.f./WT.T. (Radio in
the Local Loop/Wireless in the i.~cal l.nnP) given the RLL/WLL
telecommunication sub-system RW-TTS, should make ISDN set~u'ices available to
the ISDN subscriber at standard :LS.hN interfaces, for example upon
iravolvement of
the LECT system !~S (see figure 1).
In the "ISDN -- DIrCT tClCCO11L11uL1vd61uu ~~cnnriu ID-TS7. of FignrP
4, a first tel~totuuluuvatiuu suvscriucr (uver~ TC:T11 ('TrIP-rorxamunication
hac hi.c rPrmi.,ttal erlttipment TE (Terminal Endpoirit; ?erminal Equipment)
into the ISL~N world with the services available therein, for example via a
standardized S-interface (S-ISU'S), the 1~E~;'1'/151)N intermediate system
preferably l~r;C:;'1' specific and conCained in the RLL/WI,L telecommunication
system RW-TTS - fashioned as local n~zssagc I,t~slmaslurr lctctp, a fiirrhPr
standardized S-illtct'face (S-DUS~, a uc~wmrk t.rrminarion NT (Network
Received Sep-29-00 Od:d2pm From-312 268 6600 To-Smart i Biaaar Paae 006
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
SEP-29-00 15:54 312 258 5600 P.03 R-670 Job-B50
09/29/00 FRI 14:51 FAX 312 258 5800 SHW CHICAGO ~ 003
Termination) and a standardised U'~interface of the ISDN telecommunication
network I-TKN, as is, on the: «ther hand, a second telecommunication user
as ultimate user of the DEC:T/1SDN intermediate system DIIS.
The DECT/ISDN intermediate system DIIS is composed essentially of
two telecommunication intcrfac:es, a Lirst telecommunication interface DIES
(DE,CT Intermediate Fixed System) and a second telecommunication interface
DIPS (DECT Intermediate Portable Systen-1) that arc wirelessly connected to
another, for example via a DEC:T air interface. Due to the quasi location-
first telecommunication intrrfacc DIES, tile DEC'1'/ISDN ilitermediate system
I O DIIS forms the local message, rrart.smissic~rl IUUp defined above in this
context. The
first telecomn-lunication interface DIFS contains a radio fixed part RFP
Flied Part), an intenworking unit IWL11 (lnterWorking Unit) and an interface
circuit INC1 (INterfaee Circuitry? to the S-Itlt4Yfa4E:. The second
telecommunication interface: DIPS CU11ta111S a radio portable part RPP (Radio
Portable Part and an interworking unit 1WU2 (InterWorking Unit) and an
interface circuit INC2 (INterfacc: Circuitry) t.o the 5-interface. The radio
fixed part
RFP and the radio portable part RPP thereby form the known DECT/GAP
system DGS.
As already mentioned, Figure 5 -- first (1." possibility}, as typical
2 p RLL/WLL scenario - shows h«w thr. DEC'1 /ISDN intermediate system DIIS is
linked into the ISDN telecommunication network I-TKN as local message
transmission loop in the framework of thr. RLL/WLL telecommunication sub-
system RV~-TTS, and -- second (?°d possibility --how the DECT/ISDN
system DIIS is connected to the ISDN telec-ornmunication network I-TKN only at
2 5 the network side from CAI' points of view (Cordless terminal mobility
Profile). In the 2"'~ possibility, the int.crfac~ circuit INC2 of the second
telecommuxxication interlace D11'S to the: S-interface is not active or not
present at all. In order to graphically show this situation overall and
substantiate it,
the interface circuit INC2 of the second telecomlT~unication interface DIPS is
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09.~29~'00 1'RI 15: 42 I~'A$ 312 258 5600 SHW CHICAGO C~ 008
slxown with broken lines. Whereas the second telecomtnunicati.on interface
in thr 1~' ,pussivili6y' is not fashioned, for el:arnplc, mobile part
specifically, i.e. with
ttcPr inr.Prfa.c:e, LiLC JCL:Ulll1 t.eleconununication inter~acc D11~S in the
2"d possibility is
fashioned as typical mobile ranwrit-h a user imcrfae;c.
For example, the procedure described hPlnw is rrwided for the setup oI
telecommunication corrnectioas between the base station/stacions BS and the
auulailc trot t., MT iu the DI:CT s~rstems according to Fi~urcs 1 through 5
T~ the nF~T ~«.adra.
Given an "nn-air cnhsrriPrinn", i.e. the lugun uI a DECT mobile pa~'t or
other DECT terminal at a corresponding T?RC_','1' hacP srarinn cwrr the "air",
part, terminal and base station are previously brought into a logon-ready
(see ETSI publication ETS 300175-3, October lyy~, C=;h. 4.3).
~11C11 LIiC vrsse station, is brought into the logon-ready condition oa the
basic of an nPsratar prcactdurC, vlicu ii, hioailcasts this by setting the
"high layer
capability" bit "a-A~4" [see ATSI PublicaTinn F.'T'S 30C1 175-5, Wrtx~h~r
1992, Armrx
This occurs ixx that the base station BS (Radio Fixed Part RFP)
according to FigtsrcJ 1 through 5 sends broadcast information via the I)EC:'1'
inrxrfac:e a~ regular ~ituc iul,Gt vdls u11 si~z'~plex transmission paths,
what are referred
1 U to as dummy hParPr~, these broadcast information being received by the
part MT (Radio Portable Part R1'P) according to Pigttres 1 t.'hrnugh S anri
this mobile part M'1' for the synchronization and the connection setup with
base station. The broadcast information need not xrecessarily be sent on a
'fr is alac~ Possible Wat nu durrnny hCil.LCr is preaeu6 b~catase the base
station is already mainraining at least one telecarnmuni.cacion ~~nnPrri~n,
what is
xeferred to as a traffic bearer, to another mobile prat and then sends the
broadcast information on this, In this case, the mobile part M'I', RPP that
like to have a tclccommtmication connection to the bawe station ~35,1~P can
Raoeivad SaP-29-00 04i42pm From-312 258 6600 To-Smart 8 Bi'sar Pose 006
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09/29/00 1'ItI 15:42 Iv'Ag 512 258 5800 wHW CHICAGO C~J007
1'Cl:CIVL' tllC broadcast information as in the ca: a of transmission of the
infnrmari~n cm ~hr ~luuuuy vewcr.
According tc~ FTSI Puhli~atiou L'I'S 300175-3, October 1992, Chapter
y.1.1.1, the broadcast information contain informarinn ahem acvCSS si~lil.s,
information and pa~ing information.
The mobile pact, terminal M'1', k~,l'1~, scans for base stations 13S, RFP
that have set this big "a4~" aud, after a successful search or, respectively,
after a.
successful .sra n rr~cerlurr, ws up a r silty cotwection to this base station
BS, IiFh.
The actual ('classic°) conner.Tion cPmP (call ewahlishmaul,) Ly the
part NAT, .ltt'.I' ensues according to the rules of channel selecrinn (sPP
Publication ETS300175-5, Uctobcr 19H2, C::hapter H, and, in particular,
9.3), iu award wherewith a new channel is selected for the setup of a, new
eonneerinn anti a cc~nnec~iuu rcdura6 (CC-SETLTI') is delivered to the base
25 EP-0 497 490 A2 discloses a telecomtxlunirarinn syst~:m fc~r wireless
telecommunication that cont3ias a cordless switching center, a plurality of
puts and a plug ality of mobile parts for the purpose of wireless
and whcrcvy I, fixed purrs arc fashioned as repeaters for ca-tending the
range. The fashioning ~f rhP mobile pares ~ rayaatcts is Clot pt'ovided.
2 o EP-0 689 303 A1 disc'.Io~PS a '1"T'~MA c~mmunicaiion system with a base
station and a plurality of mobile stations, whereby the base station
rr:~n~mir.~ data rc~
one of the mobile statioas in. s predetermined time slot of successive time
frames of
~.hC TDMA protocol on a first chanxxcl with a first carnet freduency. So that
mobile srarionc aan exchange claw wiu. uua auuther without the support of the
'~ 5 station, these data are rran.smirrP~i in a. fiirt:her predc~crrxuucd
Liuie slut of successive
time frames of the TDMA protocol on a second channel with a cP .rnnd carrier
WO 95/32589 discloses a method for the setup o~ telecommunication
ccru.uections in tdccommunication systems with wireless telecoxrrmunication
Racaivad Sap-E!a-00 04:AZpm From-31E Z66 5600 To-Smart i 6iaaar Paso 007
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09/29'00 1'RI 15:42 rAX X12 258 5600 SHW CHICAGO f~]008
between fixrd yams ducl luobilc parts, whereby a rcpcatcr station controls the
c01?IleCtlOn SBTlIF I:IPTwPPn LWI) ri!()1711C J~ilC1V115 Or, respectively,
betwccn the base
,ration and a mobile station such that, in particular, an ima.~in~ ctf diraw
connection channels onto system charnels ensues, whereby :t riirPCa mnnecLinn
channel is a chanacl that 1s separated from the used channels of the
celecoi~umuuivatiun systcru.
'f'hP nhjret unclcrlyi~.ig the invention is comprised in also setting up
telecommunication connections in telecnmmnniwaricm sywerrLV, par~ic;ula.tly"
l~Ir~;'1'/CUA.h systems, beyond the system.-specific radio range given
y o utilization of the radio intcrfacc resources respectively available is the
telecommunication systems.
Thin ubjcce is ac:l~i.ev~d, first, by the features recited in the
part of garent claim 1 Pr~c:~c~diry Iru>"n ll.cC iuethud defined in the
preamble of
patent claim 1; second, by the features recited in the cb.ararrPri~ing hart:
of Iaa~era~
claim 6 proceeding from the mobile part defined in the preamble of patenT
clairxt F.,;
and, third, by the features recited is the characterizing part of patent claim
yiwecdil~g from the tclccommu.nicatioa system defined in the preamble of
clai m 11.
The idea un.dPrlying the invention is comprised therein ~ha~, :u:cutrliu~,
to claims 1, 6 and 11, first mobile parts in telecommunication systems
by wireless telecommunication to filed parts and operable in a direct
mode and/or repeater mode and that arc synchronous v~rith the fixed parts can,
with rPfPrPnrP tct second sliuvilC ~ratla l,hat are syurhronous and/or
relatirre try rlur fixed Part-s, crm~.rctl and imyleuir,~.l. I,he setup of
telecotxrxxiunication connections to the second mobile pa.rrs fir a
rreSC:rihahle time
duration, can transmit broadcast information to the second mobile gams, can,
repeaters, control and implement the setup of 1N'1'.I~IZNAL
cul>uectious between the second mobile parts and/or, as repeaters, control and
Rocaivod Sop-ZO-00 0~1:42pm From-31Z E5~ 5600 To-Smart i iiiaaar Psao 000
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09'29/00 ITtI 15: 43 rAX 312 25a 5600 SHW CHICAGO C~ 009
implement E~'.'TF.ItNAt. ~clrx;omnunicntion conncctioas between the fixed
and the second mobile parts.
'This is achieved ire that the fix:°d Pare c-xdrs ur, icspertively,
hands over
the functionality for the implementation of the zforemenrionnri mPavures (Iur
S cxdtuple, cluck and cotztrol functiorij to the Ester mobile part for the
time dt~rarinn. Av a rcsulc thereof, tho first mobile part becomes a quasi
fired part.
t~iffering from the walkiP-ra.lkie scenario, use mulrile pax-t, however, is
and remains
synchronous with the fired part or, respecrivPly, thr: b:~sc sLal,iuu. '
Particularly for '1'J~'MA-based systems, the procedt~ rP ~ffPrs the ,
s o Iullu'wixzg advantages:
-- curly two time slots instead of the prcviou .ly four time slots are
~rr:uPird per iuterlial connection.
for esample internal cr~nnPatic~ns, We GxCd part assumes only the
rtdministrstion of the busy second mobil P Pa rrs.
15 - fundamentally, an arbitrary plurality of internal connections c:~n hP
sixuultaneously active, as lo~n~ ns correspondingly many free radio
channels (pLysicdl rtsourccs) are present.
- the capacity of ~hC fix~c~l part is linzitcd only by the possible external
2 o The setup of the telecommunication connectior~s rnntr~llPd by zhe first
1l1u1J11C pa.~t and the transmission of the broadca,.~t information
implemented by the
first mobile part ca,u, dc:L01'dlilg to claim 3, 8 and 13, thereby be
initiated by user-
specific operating Prc~cedurca al. 1,112 first mobile part or, according to
claim 4, y aad
14, on demand from the fixed p.~rr. AS a rerul~ Wcrcul, a Flexible, universal
use of,
for example, the telecommunication s3mem Qr, respP.rrive~ly, c~f Lhc ~uuLrl~
adapted to Chc diftcrcnt tclccommunicatioa situations is assured.
Purthcr advantageous developments of the irwention acre respectively
recirerl in the c»hcr suV~laitns.
Received Sap-29-00 04:42pm From-312 258 5600 To-Smart & Bis~or Pata 009
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
09~'29~'00 ITtI 15:.1a rAX a12 258 5800 SH19 CHICAGO ~ 010
,E~n eyemplary embo~imPnr. ~f thr invemiuu is axirlaiued ou the basis of
ri~ure 6.
higstre 6, proceeding from Figures 1 through S, shows a
s 6elecollmiuu.ication system TKS' tashioacd, far example, aV 1»C:;'1'/(sA.I'
having m ~.Cd~l ViIC fixed part (radio fixed part) fashiorxcd as base station -
is the
present case, for e~arnple, two fixPrl rams RFP' and a ,plurality of mobile
(radio portable part) RhP' that can be connected by wirPlesS
Uf the two fixed pares lZFF'', one fired part is fashioned as a first fixed
part RFP1
that can cede or, respectively, hand over the functionality of setting up
~clCC:um~uuicatio~l connections to predeterrxa,ined mobile parts lush' that
synrhrc,ncnLS wi~.h ~hc first 1~tx'rd part RhP1 for a presGribable time
duration. These
are the mobile parts RPP' arranged in a ftrsr radio crarP FR1, whrrea~; the
parts RPP' arranged in a secand radio space are asyachronoms relative to the
1 ~ tixcd part RFP 1.
~'o which mobile parts RPP' arranged in the radio space F1L1 the first
~I~ixrd part RFP1 cedes ut, mapectively, hands over the functionality is
for examhlP, nn whirh of the mobile parts RZ'P' coming into eonsidera~iuu
this functionality or on which of the mobile parts R.PP" is driven by rlae
finer ~xPd
Raceiv~d Sap-20-00 04:42pm From-312 260 6600 To-Smart i BIQQar Pace 010
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SEP-29-00 15:54 312 256 5600 P.08 R-670 Job-650
09/29/00 FRI 14:53 FAX 312 258 5600 SHW CHICAGO L~J008
3, 6
part RPP1. These mobile pa.rt~ are referred to below as first mobile parts
For example, there are four first mobile parts RI'I'1 in the first radio space
FR1 of
the telecommunication system TKS, a first. "first mobile part" RPP11 (first
mobile part RPP11), a second "first mobile part" RPP12 (second first mobile
S RPP1~, a third "first mobile part" RPPI, (third first mobile part RPP13) and
fourth "first mobile part" Rl'1'1,, (fourth first mobile part RPP14~_ Which
form of
telecommunication connection these first mobile parts RPP1 set up or,
can set up with the functionality ceded ot, respectively, handed over by the
fixed part RFP1, in which mode: they are operated for this purpose and, in
particular, to which mObllC harts or, respectively, second mobile parts they
set up
or, respectively, can set up thetc teleccunmunication connections is explained
The first first nlohilc: pert hI'I'l, is operated in a repeater mode, in that,
as repeater, it first controls an exter~zal co.rtneccion between the first
fixed part
RFP1 and a first "second mobile part" RPP2z {first second mobile part RPP21)
located in the second radio space FR2, anc~, second, transmits broadcast
to a second "second mobile part" RPP?1 [sic] (second second mobile part RPP21
[sic]) located iri the second radio space F'R?.
The second first mobile part Rf'I'1z is operated in the repeater mode in
2 o that, first, it maintains an external connection to the lust fixed part
RFPI and,
second, transmits broadcast information t« two second mobile parts located in
second radio space FR2 ~- a third "second mohlle part" RPP23 (third second
part RPP23) and a fourth "second mobile part" RPP2,,).
The third first mobile part KI'I'1, is operated in the repeater mode in
that, as repeater, it first controls an i,ntel-nal connection between a fifth
mobile part" RPP25 (fifth second mobile part RZ'P~5) located in the first
radio space
FR1 and a sixth "second zzzobilc pare" FCPI'2~, (sixth second mobile part
RPP2,~ and,
second, transmits broadcast infonnat.ion to a seventh "second mobile part"
{seventh second mobile part 1ZI'1'?,) located in they se~.cond radio space
CA 02326991 2000-10-02
SEP-29-00 15:54 312 256 5600 P.09 R-6T0 Job-650
09/29/00 FRI 14:5 FAX X12 258 5800 SHW CHICAGO I~J009
The fourth first mobile part RPP1, is operated in a direct connection
mode in that, first, it sets up an internal connection to am eighth "second
part" RPP2R (eighth second mobile part Rl'1'zb) located in the first radio
space FR1
and, second, transmits broadcast. information to three second mobile parts
located in the second radio space FR2 -- a ninth "second mobile part" RPP2,,
second mobile part RPP2~), a tenth "second mobile part" RPP2lo (tenth second
mobile part RPP2,~ and an ~:lcvcnth "second me>bile part" RPP211 (eleventh
mobile part RPP211).
The 1"'med part RFP' and the first fixed part RFP 1 are respectively
2o bidirectionally connected to an ISDN network c~r to ;i PSTN network. Given
connection to the ISDN network, two e~cternal connections can be sequenced via
the fixed part via the two ISL)N B-channels. For the two above-described
connections, accordingly, either a connection to the ISDN networl~ or a multi-
channel PSTN connection (for example, PSTN connection with two alb lines) is
Proceeding froxz~ the known structure of the fixed part or, respectively,
of the base station and the mobile part according to Figure 2, the first fixed
RFP1 and the first mobile part RPP1 - differing from the former -- comprise,
example, specific control means STM, preferably fashioned as programs, in the
2 o microprocessor ~r.P of the central controller ZST so that the above-
scenarios can sequence or, respectively, Call be realized in the
connection setup in the telecommunication system TKS'.
CA 02326991 2000-10-02