Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
3 ~
~N~SS ~S
~430 Noraborg (~ maxk)
Can3:leotin~ nipple for a valve, particulaxly
~ radiatox val~e
_ _ _ _ _____ _
The ~nYention relata~ to a ~o~ec~nB~ ~pple fox a ~ re, part~-
cular:ly ~ r~ator ~ralve~ ~omprisin~ a nipple body which ha~ a
thxt)u~h~3.ow p2~sage, ~n exte~l ~cxewt~ead at o~e ~d and at tho other
end an i.nsert ~ction wlth an ~nular abu~ne~t faoe pro~ecting be~-orld
kh~ sorewthread diametex.
Suc,h OOmlt~¢tine~ ~pple8 are ~enerally ~o~m. The~ are scxewed w~ th
thoir cxter.nal thload into an aajacent ~nembe:~ ~uch ~ a pip~ a.onduit a~d
¢onne¢ ~d with the CO~?rl~OtiIlg nlpple of the Yalve by a cap n~t enga~g
o~re.r th~ f~eatlon,
~ Lf30 l~own 1~ a ~adiator val~e ~D}~S ~94 'l80~ whioh cor~prif~e
b~,~l~in thxottle el~me.nta With the ald of thi~g the frlow
wlth the va3ve opGn oan ~)e set f30 thatr i~l the oa~3e of' bx~ shed
~ps conduit~ th.e ~xanoh contaLning thi~ val~ra ~c~lv2~ the de~ire~
flmount of he~tlng 1iquidc r~lo throiitl6 ~L~l~t ~ pxo~rld~d w:lth ttl~o
c~rlind~ic.~. pln~3 t~ich ~ec~1in~1y ~nga~ through compl~t~ntary ~,pert~res
of the ~al~e hou~ing~ Ona p:Ln ha~ two hole~ for en~gin~ a tool ~o that
the th~ottLe ~lem~ t i~ ad~ust~b1o f~om the out~de. ri~ p~rmili~ 1iho
optimum operatln,~ ~ttln~ ~o ba ~oleot~?d evell ~ftar ~n~3tallat10n. Howev~xt
.oh ~ va~.~re :t~ ~en~1v~ 30au6ei o.1~ the additiorl21 p~ tting fa¢ility,
In m~rly~ ~u'~ not ~ oa~a;3g a chea~r Val~Je w1thout a thxott~.
n1~ ~r p~n~:tt~ l ba qu~ ~ Ll~nt~c~e~ a~
., ' '~
~ 4 ~
th~r~ora compell~d to produoa two differe~ types of valve~ ana to keep
them ~ ~tootc. In add~tion~ Yalve~ pre setting are ofte~ somewhat
lax~3r than ~ralve~ without pr~settln~ ;o that t~e available ~paoe make~
their ~n~tallation difficult,
~ c i~vontio~ i~ based on th~ probl~n of showin~ how ra-~onal valYe
manufaoture i~ pQs31ble e~en though ~ve~ aro to be of~e:rsd with and
without pre sett:Lng a~d without requirin~ a larg~ tallation 6p~
wh~n l,~iXlg the pr~settin~ rat~llity.
Th~s pl~blem i~ solyed accor.ding to the in~rention by a~ sd~us~Gable
throttls ~lement which is conne~t~d to an actuating member and is ~.~posad
ln th~ through.~ow pass~, a ~etting apertux0 which i~ dlspoaod ~ the
nipple body betwea~ the e~te:~al sorewth:read and the insert sectio~
and through whlch the thro~tle alellleIlt 1~ ~ccesslbl~ f.or~ljust~D.ent, a~d
a, F;~a;L sealin~ s~id 3ettin~ ~perture fro~a the throu~hflow pa~Ba~
It iB now posælble to makt~ and stoc~ one Yalve type wikho~t pre~
~e~tin&~ ~n volSr 12:r:~ n~ 3r~ ~d thexefoxe oheapl~ v~ i8
roc~ d wlthout pre-3ettin~, the .o~mal coImeoting nl~le l~ v.~ed but
lf a valve with pr~sottin~ xequired, us~ i.8 made of the co~necti2lg
n:lpple aocor~in~ to the ln~ention. rl~lo tnstallation 8p3.~ ! for both
vox~ion~ i~ pl~actloally the samo., Slnce the ~ en.~ ns of the new
ovnrecting nlpple c~n ~orrespond to a nol~mal co~ect.lllg niople, i~ i~
also poss.lble to convext at llttle cos t an exi~tin~ in~3tallatioxl without
pr~ ~e-~tln,~ fa~i.lity in t;~ one w~-th pre~a'cting faoili~O Since ~uch
3~ea~q have r~inod u~alterod for mall~ aeoade~, this i~ al~o poe~ible
for vo:~r old in3~alla,tion~ pecie~l pof~ition o.~ -the eot:~,ln~ apext~u~o
mal~es it pos~ibla to ur.dertake adJue~nent Or the t~lrottl~3 el~nent ~ren
lf' t~ ip~le .1~ fi~ed 1~ po~itlon, l.e~, ~o~ i.t~. &'71C'I portion~ ~e not
so,~ iblo~
-- 5 --
It 1~3 partio-larly fatrourablo if th~ actuating member iJ ~ispo~ed
withi}l the ~30xewthroad diamot~r. ~ thi~ wa~r~ the oap nut can ba pushed
~ j ~
ovex on a~st in tl1e s~ne way a~ wilih a normel co~necting nipplc~ ~.e.
~t need not be applied to the conne~tlng n~pple duxiI?.g manufao~ceO
In a prefe~T~d ~odim~l~; proYl~ion 1~ m~de fox th~ n~pple bo
to h~ve a trallaYer~e ~all with a llo~ n~trally ~ ed flxed ~low
aperture ~d ~or a rotatable in~ert coa~ with t1~ nipple axi~ comprl~ing
a throttle e1emQnt in the fo~m of an 0nd w~L1 whioh lies a4~1nst th~
tr~nsver~e wall c~nd has a rotatable ~low ape~tura oo operating with the
fix~d ~low aper-turo ana an aotuating m~mber ~l tha form of a ~ubstantiall~
¢~lind~:Lcal extension having fo~mationæ at tha ~xt~rnal ¢ircumfexence
~or enga&lng a toolf qbgether with the transv-e~s~ wall7 the e~d wall
f~æ a rota~y val~e in whioh the two flow aperture~ are in re~ist~y to
a di.t'fer~nt extent. rIhe oyllndxical extQn~ion pxG~id~s a g~o~ ~Lida ~or
tho in3ert in the nipple kody. r~he fo~mat.ions ar~ ea,sil~ I~oached thr.ou~h
thc ~ettin~ aper~e. Ma~Xin~ on thesc fo~ma~on~ are clearly ~is:;ble~
~he prodllctloll is partic~ar~y s~mple iI the ~îxea. a~ well ~s tha rotatable
f`~.ow aperture is ~n ec¢entrio hol~ ~Iowe-~er~ other ahRp2s of ~low
paas~gea ~re ~easible, Ior example two par~annular aperturesO
De31rably1 the fo~nationa ar~ dlf~arently .spaced ¢i.rcumfereil ti~l~
rl~i~ ensure3 that~ ~e~pite the non~l~.eax ~ Lue~ of auch a th~ottle~
th~ differeno~s ~etwoo1l sucoes~lve ~ct ~lue~ wil7 alW~ oor:re6pond to
a OO~Rtant difference Or the throuc~l.flcw qUc~Mt1ty with the ~al~e ~ully
Gp~n .
l~le ~eal de~lrably comprise~ tw~ XiIlg3 ex-tendillg ~long tho
D~ th~ e.~ t ~oGh F~ S of th~ ng ~ ur~O ~.~c~
~h~ ~t~ p~u~6 o~ b~ ow~ th~ G ai~i'icl~lt~ p~ ~ealing rln~ to both ai~le~ of the f'o~r~a~ion~
, .
~ ~other embod~nt, the throt~la eleme~t i8 a tra~ver~a wall
rotatable about an axi~ trannvarne to the nippla a~
In thi~ e it :;~ adv1sa:ble ~or the actuating member to proj~¢t
into tho ~ettin~ apertu:r~ and halre a ~o:rmation at the ~nd for ~ng~ng~
~'tool and for the ~a~ o bo formed b~ a ~ealln~ ri~ dispo~ed between
a oyltndrical ~ection of the setting ~pertuxe and a o~lindrical section
of th~ meD~ber~ T~is, .~in, pe~ts the requirQ~e~t to bs met
that no parts a~e disposed be~d th~ ecrewthread d~ ter,
nahle the ~c~ating D~ember to be oo~v~iently receiYed in "hi~
manner, th~ rotatable tr~nsvexse wall ma~r co~operate with an ~fial ~ore
of the nippl~3 bod;y that ext~ds along the si3.o of the nippla axle opposit~
to t;he ~etting apexture.
~ thaxD it i8 possible f.or the throttle e:lem~t to ha~r~ a po~ltio~
in ~rhich tho flow passage i~ complotel3~ closed. ~e can ~hereforo also
bloc}c l;he cor.~esponding va~ve cenneotionq
q~no lnv~ntlon will nc~rbe described in mo.~e d~tcail w:ith xo~r~nos
to profcrred ~plos shown fn ths drawlng~5 trherein:~
, 1 ia a ion~tu~nal ~atlo~ thxou~h a ~ir~:t embodim~t o~
conneatln~ nlpplo acaordlng to th~ lnve2ltion$
.Fieo 2 ~ 1 p.a~ vie~ OI ~ho Fig. 1 connectingr nippl~ t~ a, sm~llor
Lo ~ -
~g. 3 i~3 a se~tio~a o~ th~ llns III~ lg,. 20,
o 4 i~l t3. lon~ltudl~ oction ~ vu~h a ~econd ernl~odim~n~ and
~l,g., 5 ls ~ lo~l~dinal s~ot:lon throu,g~ ~ t~l~cl e~ubodim~.
~ ho nippl~ o~ to 3 compris~s a, ni~p~e body 1
wit,h. a cavity 2 ~er~in~ a8 a t,hrotl~h~vw ~c'~3ag~; c~ ~xt~:~na:L ~or~wthxe~d
3 ~nd L~ at.1on 4 t~Lth an ~m~ r allut~ent faoe ~ which pro~ects
-- 7 ~
beyond the dL~3ter o~ th~ external sarewt~ead 30 ~Jith~n the irl~ert
section thor~ 1~ an i.nta~l he~agon b ~o that ~he external E~orewtb:read
3 OI th~ oonnectln~ n:i.pple can be ~cre~d ~nto the inte~al ~orewthra~d
o~ an ad~acent: memberO !nle ~nsert #eCtion 4 Berves for in~ertion in a
oonnectin~ ~pple of a ~alv~ it belng po~iblo to ol~Dp both p~3~tB
tog~ther by mesn~ of a cap ~ut harin~; ~P int~ flange whioh 2'~ut~
tha a~ular a~rtment faco ~. The nipple bo~r 1 also ha6 a tr~verse
wall 7 with ~ ec:centric throu~ow aperture ~ oî a hole. ~xther,
a so~in~ apert~u~e 9 iEl provided at the clrou~exence.
InRer~ed ~n`th~ calrit~ 2 ther~ n inselt lO ¢on~1~t
thro~tle element 11 ~nd a~ actua~ing member 12~ me throttle ~lem~nl; l~
formed by an end wall with a~ ecoer).trio flo-~ apertur~ 32 of a hole ~nd
the actuatillg element i8 fo:~ed ~ a cylindrical ext~n~ion with fo~:ma
1;ion~ 1~ at the ~ircl.~mferen¢e in the form o~ axial grOove~ for en~
c3, tool l~ h~ aert i~ held again9t tho tra~sver~e ~re~l 7 b~r a
olamping pl~t~ 15, At both ~ids~ oî the 9ettillg a~?ert~u~e ~ th~xe i~ a
xe~3peo-tlve ~e~ling ring l~ ox 17 t~rit~ a~a~oclat~d ~;upportiIlg ~ng 18
or l9.
q~e tool 14 shown 1ll Flg. 3 :ia a }s:ey with r~ ben-t head 20 and a
radial tooth 21 which aan ~n~ in o~le OI l;hs formatio~ 13 thxoug~ ~h~
1 /~
fJettiIlg a~orl~re 9~ tho toel~ ls ~ to rest on the nipple bedy
l, the ineert lO ~Jill ttl~l wh~xa~r the rotata~ï~ flow aperh~f~ 32 trill
xe~l~t~r ~ tb~ flxed f.:Low a~?3r~re ~ to a g~oat~r ox l~ xt~t.
fo~n~tio:~s 13 are d~f~r~ntly ~paoe~ olro~er~n~i.allyO In thia
W13y9 the rot~ an~ ? to roachin~ khe ~nd ~ce 22 of the s~tting
~pe.~;'tux'~ ~ w.ill ~e the lar~33t o~ f: rf~t ~gag~r~ent oî th~ too~ 14 as
st.~ated c,~rldl ~t will bs r~duc~d witl~ ~ve:~.y ~llrthex engr~ nt o t;he
too3" '.rhl~ ~sn~lre~ th~tg wi th e,ach e~a~ ent oi the too.l., th~ ~t~.n~
wi.ll ~rin6 about a d~ d but alw~ ~o~t~lt oha~ the thxoug~sw
with the velve 'ully op~nO I~ addition~ a m~rk~ 23 i~ provid~d ox~ the
nipple bo~y fol~ co~operatl~g with aL maxlc~;lg 2~, o~ the ~ert 10 BO th
the ~ttin~ can b~ x~a~ of~O
ontirf3 dimensions of tl~ ipple body 1 corrospond to t;hoBe of
noI~al nipple.
In thc Fi~o 4 ~mbo~iDlo~nt~ co~esponding rarts ha~re the ~am~ ref~rence
xlumo.ra~ cre~sed. by 100~ An axia~ bore 125 is pxovided ln t;hc n~ppl~
bod~r 101 bcyond th~ ~pplc El~:tB~ q~l~rO :3 also a bore~ 126 perpe3ld1~ar
thereto,, of whioh the uppe:r elld ~orm~ the e~tting a.~ertaxc 109" An i~lB
1~0 i~ introd:uced ~.n tlle bore 126 rad~lly ~d i~ fi~ced i~ nuJ.~r
~roove 12~ kY ~prin~ 127. ~he irl~cxt 110 Co~l~iSt~ of a -t~rottl~
cleme:nt 111 in tl1~ form of a ro¢tan~;ular wall radial to the a~s Or t~e
bor~ 126 ~d un actQ,~ting m~ar 112 which i~ di.sposed in the sett.~ng
a:portu~-3 lû9 arlcl proyided with a formation 113 in the .~o:rm oi.~ nt;e~nal
h~x~ n fox ~ng,~ng a too~. A xing 116 .~B c~i~posed betiw~?en a
~yllndrica~ ction 12~ of the bore 126 ~rnd ~ o~lindxio~l section 130 o~
the act,uatin~ m.~ber. ~h~ band~hc~p~d throttl~ t 111 C~311 h~lT~ Z~
guido pl~te 131 a,t the bottom.
In ~ mbodlment, tho thrott:l0 el~ent 111 block~ the pa~
t~ro~ n the connectinæ nipple in the illu~trated po~:;iti.on~ ~y t.ulning
~Ghe, g m~r~ber 112~ the ~hro~tl~ el~me~-t o~ be broug~t to d~lxod
an~,n~ pO.~itiO11~3 ~ltil iti f:l:'(~e8 the largR~ cxoss-~ection thxough t;h~
~xiaJ. bore 125 when it i~ posit~on~d pa~ el to t;h~ r~p~
~ th~ ~:L&. 5 ~bo~imenti, oo~ehpondi~ parts ar~ de~i~a-.ed wi~ih
th~ e x~foIenoo nw~o~ ino~ea~ed by 2CJO1 I~ th~s oc~ th~ thxottl~
nt ~:11 is~ the ~rrn of a CiXGUlClX dl~o ~hiGh ~,~r~ a. 8e~1~g ~i.n~
. .
232 at t~l~ a~Ld is ~urelg se~t,~d on a ~hank 233 of' Eun actuat,in~
m~3nb~r 212~ ~me ~ha~ 2~ i8 a~ an a~ute an~lo to the perp~ndlcular of
tha llipple axi~ ~e throttl2 element 211 i~ 3e¢uxed to the ~hank 233
Qt b~r ~he 9ame allgle- ~ tuxnln~ th~ atin~ element 212 thxoug~
1809 t.he bor~ 225 i8 there~re ~ ea. ~y ~ett~ a~r de~red lntex
mediate po9it~0n99 dif~er~t flow s~o~ons are obta~ned~
r~he matori~l of the ~ippla bodar can be bxass. '~he ~ttle element
o~ lfkewise b~ of brans or some othex metal~ l~we~r,, plastie bo~eR
aro a;L~o îea~ibla.