Note : Les descriptions sont présentées dans la langue officielle dans laquelle elles ont été soumises.
~a2~08 ' ;1~ 21al 22 ~ 2 128~2 1 ~JME~I OCTQ. ~lDU. 0 5
Roofcoverlng m~teriHl. :
The inventlon relates to a roofcoverinq materi~
formed by a ~a~o l~yer, onto which base layer, under
lnsertion of a ~el~Ar~ting layer, a bltuminou6 covering
layer has been applied. .
Such a roofcoverlng ~aterial i~ known.
Thi~ known roofcovering ~terlnl comprise~ a ba6a luyer
formed by gl~s~ fibres ti6~ue. Further the base layer
i8 provided with Apertures. ;
~0 When applying this kn~wn roofcovering material, the
same 1~ unrolled onto ~nd over the roo~plane, which is
con6tructed of for instance wood or concrete, or :
which may be formed by i~sulation plates, and after
which the roofcoverlng materinl i~ h~at~d, and whe~eby
lS th~ hot and molten bitumen of the coverinq layer. passes
throug~ the aperture~ Or the base layer to come into :
contact with the roo~ plnne, wherPby the roofcovering
materlal iB adhered to the roo~ plsne.
The known roo~covering ma~erial a~ de6cribed above has
~0 the drawback, th~t this ha~ to ~e applied to a roof ~.
oons~ruation ~y heating the bitumen with an open
flame, which constitute~ an important fire hazard. It
is not possible to apply the ~oofcovering ~aterial
mechanically to the roor, for in~tance by mcans of
25 ~crew with w~her plates or -strips, without the roof-
covering material to come to lie completely loo~e whon
expoaed to wind load.
The ~a~e layer comprlsed of the glass tibrec ti~ e
tea~ QaSily, SO that, when the roofcovering matorial
i6 ~xposed to windloAd, thè ba~e layer will bre~k -~
down, and thereby tho connection between the co~erlng
layer, the base layer and the ~crQWed connectlon wlll
~ ........ ~
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21~9 ~60
be broken, re~ulting in th~ roofcovering material to
co~e to lie loose on the rool
The invention ~lm~ t~ o~ te tne~ drawbncks of th~
known rnofcovering material.
The roofcovering material according to the inventlon t~
thnt end i6 charact~rized, in that the base layer i~
formed by a 6uppor~ing layer, by means of ~hich t~e
rooIcovering materlal may be mech~nically fastened to a
found~tion, ~uch as a roo~ construction, an~ wherein
0 the ~eperating layer is provided with aperture~,
through which the coverinq l~yer i~ firmly adherHd to
the æupporting layer.
According to a ~haracteristic o~ the roofcovering
mat~rlal according to the lnvention, the supportlnq
1~ layer i~ provided with a reinforcement net.
According to another characteristic or the roofcoverinq
~aterial Accordlng to the invention, the supporting
layer is eorm~d by a woven material or ~bric or
fabric mat, for instance A woven ~las6 mat or qla~s
20 fabric mat, or by a foil or film, ~uch as for instance
D metal foll or plastic film, or by a fle~ce, for
instance A polyester fleece or film, or by p~per, or
by a link~d or unlinkad g~u~e, or a scrim.
Iurther tho ~upporting lAyer ~ay be made up of gla~
fibres, carbon fl~res, plP~tic fi~res, textile or
rabric fibres, metDl threads, or mixtur~s thereof, and
which may b~ impregnated ~y a binding aqent, be it
flre-re~stant or not.
With ~n efficlent embodiment of the roo~coverinq mat~
rial accordlnq to the invention, the supportlng layer
i~ lormed by glaBs ~ubrlc or g1ass rabric mat, or a
~12~ 1 '91 2a:2:s ~ 072 128~ O~l~IEil ocr~ Fc- 05
2 1 ~
woven glasti Illat.
With the roofcoverinq material according to the lnven-
tion, lt is possible to f~ten the roo~coverinq materi-
al meGhanic~lly to A roof construation by mean~ o~
~crews wlth wa6hcr platcs or -~trips.
According to a characteristic of the roofcovering
m~terial according to tne lnvention the seper~ting
layer 1~ liquid or vapo~r tight, or in any case llquid
or vapour tight durinq the manuf~cturing ~roce~R of
the roo~covering material, and preferably the ~eper~
ting layer i5 formed by a pla~tic film. ~`urther, the
6eperating l~yer m~y ~l~o ~e provlded with a reinforce-
ment net.
lS Accordlng to yet another characteristic of th~ roofco-
vering materi~l according to the invention, the sep0ra-
ting layer is npplied loosely or in spaced relationship
over tne ~upporting l-ayer or the covering l~yer, such,
that the ~overing layer nnd the ~upporting layer,
out~ide of the ure~ of tho apertur~ in the soperatlng
layer, throug~ which the junction6 ~etween the covering
layer and t~e supporting layer are formed, lie loo~e in
relatlon to one another ~nd are movable in relatlon to
one another. With thi~ mea~ure it i~ nchieved~ that
when thQ bltuminolls coverillg l~yer le cooled down, for
inst~nce during th~ manu~acturing proces~ of the roof~
coverinq material, ~nd~or at a later ti~e, and 6hrink~
the bituminou~ co~ering l~yer is allowed to move
~sllde or gllde) rulative to the ~upportin~ layer.
~ccording to a further characteri~tic of thq roofcove-
ring material according to the invention the seperating
layer ~ay be forme~ ~y a number o~i ~trips, which
strips, according to a ~urther chDr~cteristic, extend
substantially ~quare lenghtwise o~ tbe roo~covering
....... .
a2~08 ' 9~1 20: 24 2~ la7'2 1 289'4 ~:OOIIEN OCTR . F~DU . 06
According to another ~haraCteristiG of the roo~covering
materi~l accordlng to the invention, per unit of ~iz~
o~ the roofcoverlng material the surface ratio ot the
bituminous covering layer ln relation to the supporting
layer is 1: > 1 ln the ~lat, that is to s~y, unroll~d
,condltlon, euc~, ~h~t the supporting l~yer, such as a
glass ra~ric mat, outside of the nrea oL the
~unctions or the supporting lay~r nnd the covering
layer, lies to a certain extent creaRed or folded
relative to the covering l~yffr.
When the roofcovering material i6 applied to a roof in
which flssures or cracke may be formed, or on~o o roof
which expAndR under the influ~nce of hoat and/or VA-
pour, the covering lDyer, due to the larger BiZe of thu
supporting layer with re~pect to t~e covering layer, 1
~llowed to move together ~ith the underlying roof
construction ~nd to undergo to a ccrtain degree an
elafitic del'ormation.
~urthe~, when the ~heet of roo~covering materlal is
unrolled and applled onto a ro~f, the bituminius cove-
ring layer tend~ to shrlnk. ln a favourable way, the
6eperating layer 1~ formed by a pla6tic film, of ~uch a
filight thickness, that when thls fll~ ls adhered to the
~overlng lay~r and i~ in sp~ced relationsh~p to the
supportlng layer, this supporting layer mny easily be
~ompressed or undergo a 61i~ht cre~ing ~uring thQ
~hrlnklng mev~ment oI th~ coverin~ layer.
Accordlng to a furthor char~cteri~tlc of the roof
covering materlal according to the invention, the
~perture~ di~trl~uted over ~hu supporting l~yer, nnd
aocordingly the ~unctlon~ ~etween the ~upportin~ lnyer
and the c~vering l~yer, nre dictributed over the
~12~18 '9q 20:24 ;; 072 1285'_4 I~OO~IEN O(:lR.~ a7
'. 2l2~6a
surface of the seperatlng layer at equ~l dist~ncee fror
one ~nothcr.
The aperture~ dl6tri~uted ~ver the seperatln~ lay~r,
and accordlngly the junctions, may cover between 2%
and 90~ of the surf~ce o~ the ~perating l~yer, mor~ in
p~rticular 20~ .
Further, the apertures may hnve a ~ize v~rying from o,
cm2 to 500 cm2, more in particular 4 cm2.
The invantion will now be described with ro~erence to
lo th~ accompanying drawing of Bn embodiment of An exam-
The flgure~ 1 nnd ~ ~now a sectional viuw of the roof-
cov~ring material, wherein in figure 2 the conneotion
between two ~heets of roofcovering moteriAl i9 ~hown.
Wlth the roo~coverinq material ae it i5 shown in the
drAwing, tne s~eet of roo~covering material i8 formed
~y a Lupportlng layer 1 of glas~ fabrlc or gla6s fabrlc
mat. Over the ~upporting l~yer 1 a seperating layer 2,
in tnls example a ~lexi~le thin plastic film 2, is
~o applled, whlch 6eparatos the s~pporting layer 1 from
the bltumlnous coverlng layer 3, which i8 applied over
the fllm 2, this however wlt:h the cxcoption~ of the
ap~rture~ 4 in tne fllm 2, through which the material
or the covering layer 3 ha~ oome into contAct ~ltn the
supporting layer 1 and where it has ndhered itself
firmly to the supportlng l~yer 1, to form a perm~nent
a~d firm junction between the supportinq lsyer 1 and
the coverin~ layQr 3.
The plsstlc rllm 2 16 applled loosely or in ~p~ced
rel~tlonship over the supportlng lAyer 1, such, th~t
the oovering l~yer 3, out~ide o~ the area of the aper-
0:~aa ' ~J ~0 ~ 25 1; 072 ~ 289'~ )11EI~ ,T~ DI./. 08
2129 ~3
tures 4, is mova~l~ with re~pect to the supportinglayer 1.
When the roofcovering ~naterial is cooled ~own, for
lnstancQ during the manuracturing procc66 th~reof ~y
meane of hot ~ltumen, er at a later time, it will tend
to shrink. When the roocovering matQrial ls applled to
the roo~, and i5 unrolled, the bitu~inous covering
layer 3 wlll ~hrink further. T~e surface ratiu per unit
o~ slze of the roorcovarlng m~terial oL t~le ~it~minou~
coverlng layer 3 in relntion to the supporting layer 1
may ~e 1: > 1, ~uch, that the ~upporting layer 1,
out~ide of the area of the junetion6 ~t the pl~ce of
the apertures 4 between the supporting layer 1 and the
covering layer 3, ln this flst, unrolled condition of
the roofcoverlny material, lies to a certain extènt
folded or crea6ed 5 in relation to the covering layer.
By means of the s~par~ting layer 2, which may ea611y be
co~presLed or creased under the compression forces of
the ~hrinking covering layer J, it i6 t~lere~y preven-
ted, that the overlying bltumen lnyer follows thi~cre~se or rold iormation of the aupportinq lay~r.
WlLb Lh~ ro~i~ov~rillg m~t~rlal ~ording to the inven-
tlon it is thereby po6sible to nllow the bitu~inous
covering lnyer to undergo an elaetic deformation, such
2S a~ u ~hrinking movement, whereby the underlying sùppor-
ting layer, hucb as A flexible gla~s fabric ~at or
flexible woven fabric mat, is nllowed to crease and
fold, whioh crea6ing or lolding ~nay take plac~ indepen-
dantly fro~ the ~overin~ l~yer, duo to the presence of
30 the Beperating layer.
The roo~covering material may further be provided with
a layer o~ granules 6, as 6hown in figure 1.
With the roofooverlng material according to the inven-
tlon it is possi~le to apply a Rheet of roofcovering
3~ mAteri~l to a roc~ con~tructiOn without the neces~ity
~2~1~18 ' 9 1 2a: ~5 ~S la72 1 2892 1 ~OO~IEIJ l:lCTR . ~l)U. 09
- 212!~ lG;~
of the use Or ~n open ll~me The sheet of roofc~vering'
material is unrolled over the roof, whereby the ~dge 7
Or the roofcovering material is fa6tened to tho roof
uon~truction by means of qcrews 8 and washer pla~es
or -strip6.
Near the ~dyes 1 and 10 of the roofcovering materiAl
the ~upporting layer 1 overlaps the scperating layer 2,
~uch that at the spot of the overlap 11 a direct con-
nection i~ for~ed between the supportinq layer 1 and
~0 the aovering layer 3, 60 that the supporting layer 1
and the covering layor 3 ~t that place are firmly
connected to each other.
At the edge lo the ouvering layer ~ overlaps the 6up-
porting lay~r 1 and the ~eper~ting layer 2, such, that
1~ the roo~covering materi~l u~ tll~ placa of the overlap
12 i~ formed only by the covering laye~ 3.
As can ~e ~een ln fiyure 2, the conn~ceion 9 between
twD ~heets of roofcovering material placed side by side
may ~e s~led hy means of hot air, whereby the suppor-
tlng layer 1 in th~ connection 20ne ~ has to be ~ealedto the underlylng qheet, ~o that at wind load no not~h
eff~ct or stre~s concentration appearr- at the
tranAition where t~e supportlng layer terminates, and
where by means of bitumen of the underlying covering
2~ layer 3 a firm conneotion exist~ between the supporting
layere of the two RheetR. ' ''
With another em~o~iment of the roo~covering material
according to the invention, the supportlnq layer 1 may
be formed by a film or polyerter floece 1. The ~ppor-
~0 ting lay~r 1 may there~y, nt or near the cdg~ 10 of theroofcnvering materlal, at the slde turned nway from the
covering layer, ~e provided with a heat or fire resis-
tant layer ur -~trip , which is not shown in the dra-
wing. With this measur~ lt is prevented, that near the
:l5 formatlon of the overlap th~ Rupportinq l~yer ~t th~
pl~oe over tho overlap iB mel~ed nway ~y the hot nir.
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- 212~ GO
The supporting l~yer m~y ~l~;o be provicled with this
hç~at or f ire reC i~t~nt layer ~t the ~ le facing the
ooverirlg layer, wher~l~y tl~is has tl~e fur.ction of impro-
ving the ~ ire ~f ety of the roof oov~rlng materlal .